Central Committee for Academic Affairs (ZSA)

The Central Committee for Academic Affairs (ZSA) advises on the creation and amendment of examination and study regulations. Its aim is to continously improve the conditions of study and teaching at EUF. To that end, the committee serves the university in an advisory capacity and establishes rules for specific degree programs and the entire campus.

How to reach us:

If you have a question for the committee, please write to the head of the committee:

Upcoming meeting dates

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Election Period

Group Period
Staff June 01, 2023 to May 31, 2025
Students June 01, 2023 to May 31, 2024

Committee members

Group Name
Chair Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schwier, Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Digitalization
University lecturers Prof. Dr. Joachim Bröcher
  Prof. Dr. Armin Castello
  Prof. Dr. Johannes Woyke
  Prof. Dr. Tatjana Zybatow
Academic staff Sabine Kröger
Non-academic staff Nils Düster
Students Oliver Kutz
  Timo Schlagböhmer

ZSA meeting minutes

  • For committee members: ZSA meeting minutes can be found in the EUFbox.