Priority controlled booking procedure

Procedure and dates

Enrollment takes place in three phases:

  1. Booking phase
  2. Allocation phase
  3. Allocation of remaining places

Booking phase: During this period, booking requests can be entered in Studiport.

Allocation phase: After the allocation phase, the available places are allocated on the basis of the booking requests entered. The distribution is done by an algorithm.

Allocation of remaining places: Places that were not allocated during the allocation phase can be enrolled in an allocation of remaining places. This makes it possible to individually adjust the result of the allocation phase, as far as places are still available.

Table 1: Course booking HeSe 2024

When Who What
02.09. 10 am - 11.09. 11:59 pm All students Entry of booking requests in Studiport
12..09. Administration Available course places are allocated to students.
13.09. - 29.09. All students Remaining places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. See Table 2 for the time schedule

Table 2: Remaining course placement HeSe 2024

Remaining seat allocation begins Sep. 13 and remains open through Sep. 29.

When Who
09:00:00 am
  • BA International Management;
  • BA European Cultures and Society
  • BA Social Studies
  • BA Transcultural Studies
10:00:00 am
  • MA International Management;
  • MA European Studies
11:00:00 am Bachelor Bildungswissenschaften Fachsemester 5 and higher
12:00:00 am Bachelor Bildungswissenschaften Fachsemester 2, 3, 4
01:00:00 pm Bachelor Bildungswissenschaften Fachsemester 1
02:00:00 pm
  • MA Vocational Education
  • MA Kultur, Sprache, Medien
  • MA Transformationsstudien
  • MA Bildung in Europa
  • MA Prävention und Gesundheit
03:00:00 pm
  • MA Grundschule
  • MA Gemeinschaftsschule
  • MA Sekundarschule Sek I
  • MA Sekundarschule
  • MA Sonderpädagogik

Tutorials and FAQ

In the module catalogs and the study plan for your program, you can see which sub-modules are intended for which semester. In addition, you can get information from the departmental advisors, the departmental student councils and the respective secretary's office.

If you are just starting your studies at EUF, you will learn everything you need to know during the introductory week. Don't worry.

Yes, you can: During the enrollment phase you can easily go back to Studiport and change your priorities under the option [My functions] > [Enroll courses] or unenroll registered courses.

To change a priority, first log out of the course and then reset the priorities in the second step.

Your changed requests will then be taken into account accordingly in the subsequent allocation process.

In this case this course request will not be considered by the allocation algorithm. So you will not get a place in the course in any case.

You can see in the screenshot that it is perfectly alright to specify only one event request. It is just as alright to specify preferences for several available parallel groups. Only if you do not select a single event group and everything remains untouched on "Do not enroll", no enrollment request will be considered by the algorithm in the allocation phase.

Allocation algorithm

Automatic allocation of course places: How the automatic algorithm works

Places are allocated automatically on the basis of the priorities entered. As an example, we look at the allocation process for courses in an arbitrary sub-module. In the automated allocation process, all courses offered in this sub-module are collected and the following steps are run through one after the other.

  1. A random sequence of courses is defined.
  2. A course is selected according to this order
  3. All students who have given this course the highest priority (priority 1) are considered.
  4. These students are then ranked according to the following criteria:
    1. special needs
    2. semester (higher semesters first)
    3. lot
  5. The students are now allocated places according to the ranking determined.
  6. The allocation of this course stops when either all students in this round have a place or all places are taken.
  7. The allocation now jumps to the next course in the sequence and steps 3-6 are repeated.
  8. If all courses offered have been allocated in this way and there are still students who have not been allocated a place, the allocation process jumps back to the first course (point 2) and steps 3-7 are repeated, but this time with all students who have selected priority 2.
  9. This allocation loop will continue until there are no open applications or no more free places.

Students with special needs

Students with special needs (resulting from family responsibilities, chronic illnesses, or impairments) participate in the voucher and assignment process like all others. In order for the algorithm to recognize students with special needs, and accordingly carry out the allocation with priority, affected students must submit a request for recognition of special needs with regard to course selection to the Equal Opportunity Work Area well in advance.