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Welcome to B.A. Social Sciences: Social and Political Change

How we live, love, work, what we believe in, what we eat, where we travel, how we think, what we feel – all this is constantly changing. People who are 18 years old today only know the German Democratic Republic (GDR) from history books; they grow up with Instagram, TikTok, Twitch & Co., work on their laptops and discuss climate change, LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter or animal welfare as a matter of course. Yet, 50 years ago that was completely different!

Technology, politics, unexpected events – questions about what exactly triggers changes in the way people live together, how processes of social change emerge and develop, are core questions for both, Sociology and Political Science. It is precisely this questioning that the new Bachelor's programme "Social Sciences: Social and Political Change"

Our degree programme is unique because:

It is interdisciplinary: In order to research and understand the interactions between changing attitudes, ways of thinking and behaviour of people and the structures of society, it needs the knowledge of the core subjects Sociology and Political Science. The programme therefore examines its subject from these two perspectives – it is the only Bachelor's degree programme doing so in Germany.

It is research-oriented:  Already from the first semester, students deal comprehensively with the methods of empirical social research. As early as the second year of study, students work on their own research questions. With excellent training, graduates can thus independently identify and describe current social and political developments and problem constellations using the appropriate methods

It is international: the programme is taught in German and English; an additional language can be acquired from the second semester onwards. All students spend their fifth semester abroad; a professional internship can be integrated. Global perspectives require global competences.

It gives you a choice: The degree programme sensitises students to a wide range of political and social challenges that call for answers, but for which there is usually no "simple" solution. It thus offers the opportunity to critically and analytically explore areas for social engagement. Four elective areas are available for this: social participation and democracy, migration and integration, social inequality and the welfare state, and the transformation of societal natural relations.

 at Europa-Universität Flensburg, places at the centre of its study programme.

Reasons for this include digitalisation, climate change, the weakening of democratic institutions in various countries, a growing social polarisation and increasing global social inequality, violent social and political conflicts, and the resulting migration movements.

These global challenges unfold in societies that continue to be politically and socially organised on a local and regional level. Therefore, they have difficulties in addressing these problems in a coordinated manner. This is precisely why expertise is needed to understand, moderate and shape this change. Our new degree programme trains these experts.

Find out more about the new degree programme here: