Calendar of the International Center

2024 September

Sep 03 Sep 09
Student life

Orientation week I3

from Tuesday, 09:00, Tallinn 007
Orientation week I3 - Information, integration and intercultural sensitization
Internal event
Game night and International dinner
Sep 09 Festivities and receptions

Pizza & Game Night

Monday, 18:30, Rotunde
Pizza & Game Night
Sep 14 Student life

Picknick am Hafen PiratenNest oder Solitüde Beach

Saturday, 11:00
Picknick am Hafen PiratenNest oder Solitüde Beach
[Translate to 2-Englisch:] Boot mit dänischer Flagge
Sep 15 Cultural events

Boat trip to Sonderborg

Sunday, 09:30
Boat trip to Sonderborg
Internal event
Sep 18 Other

Welcome Back Meeting

Wednesday, 12:00, TAL 007
Welcome Back Meeting - for all Outgoings in the Spring Semester 2024
DJ spielt Rave-Musik mit Lila-Lichtern
Sep 20 Festivities and receptions

Welcome Back Party

Friday, 20:00, Rotunde
Welcome Back Party
Sep 22 Student life

Holnis Hike

Sunday, 10:00
Holnis Hike
Internal event
3 Studierende sitzen zusammen und üben das Sprechen in der Öffentlichkeit
Sep 24 Student life

Kennenlernabend Mentoren und Studierende SEDev Studiengang

Tuesday, 18:00, Rotunde
Getting to know the new students of the Sustainable Energy and Development (SEDev) degree program and mentors
Internal event
[Translate to 2-English:] Foto Hörsaal
Sep 25 Information

Prepare Your Stay Abroad Meeting (spring 2025)

Wednesday, 14:00, HEL 063
Prepare Your Stay Abroad Meeting (for all students going abroad in spring 2025)
Sep 27 Student life

Bouldering at FlensBloc

Friday, 16:00
Bouldering at FlensBloc