AccessPlus: Access to social rights in Germany and France: inequalities and discrimination, gender and migration in the jeux d'échelles of the European space Listen The project investigates processes
Border Complexities Listen Border Complexities ist eine deutsch‐französisch-luxemburgische Workshopreihe. Die Reihe besteht aus fünf thematisch verbundenen Ateliers, an denen Nachwuchswissenschaftler_
Value conflicts in a differentiated Europe: The impact of digital media on value Polarisation in Europe Listen The project will examine the role of digital social & news media in creating political va
ValCon Researchers ValCon Researchers Listen Dr. Stefan Wallaschek Stefan Wallaschek beginnt am 01.10.2020 seine Mitarbeit als PostDoc im trinationalen Forschungsprojekt ValCon, geleitet von Monika Ei
Levinas and the Real Conference Villa Vigoni Autumn School in European Studies MEWEB DIREPA-DICOME CODES Border Complexities Humboldt Research Award EuKiD Book Fairs DIREPA Project Paolo Prodi
Access to academic Journals Listen ICES co-finances access rights to key journals in the field of European Studies EUF members have access to the following journals: Interdisciplinary European Studies
Moin Moin! Welcome! Hello! Listen YouTube direct link Welcome Week (09.09.2024 to 13.09.2024) Warm Welcome! You are now a student in the B.A. European Cultures and Society. Welcome! The Welcomes Week
found here ). Webex Link: https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=mf3cc8b1a43e1855c702e9b2ef21e494b , Meeting number: 121 981 2597; Password: EUF-Promotion; Join by video system: Dial
ICES Meeting of Members/ Election of the Board of Directors Listen At the general ICES meeting of members we will have the opportunity to discuss the past year, as well as plans and objectives of ICES