semester Research Colloquium meetings will take place every second week like in the last semesters, but a bit earlier than in previous years Thursdays, 16:15 – 17.45 h, in RIGA 601 and in hybrid format unless
16:30-18:00 Prof. Katharina Mangold Normative implications of human rights of persons with DSD in a non-binary legal world 30.05. 16:30-18:00 Prof. Maurizio Bach Follow the science. Muss oder Mythos?
ICES Research Colloquium HeSe 2020/21 Listen [Translate to 2-English:] Thursdays 17:15 - 18:45 in RIGA 601 The colloquium is intended to provide an opportunity for all ICES members to present research
languages and football clubs: a comparison of the linguistic landscape and language practices of 10 professional clubs and their fans across Europe The colloquium will take a hybrid form unless otherwise [...] the following link https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=ma9cf51d3ce714e313ceaec940a63dcd2 .
ICES Research Colloquium Listen The ICES Research Colloquium offers a platform for ICES members and colleagues to present their research and discuss it interdisciplinary. The sessions will be chaired by [...] RIGA 601 and online. https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=m835f5af5aa14ed770d4c3f55a64c741d We look forward to your participation and engaging interdisciplinary discussions! Date Presenter
beyond disciplinary boundaries and to sharpen their qualification profile in order to pave the way for a career in science. Membership of the ICES Research School means being part of an international and [...] plinary, transnational and multi-religious doctoral program; it identifies truth as well as law as a condition for peace and conflict resolution in the Israeli-Palestinian relationship. Affiliated Researchers
Vormann (Sociology seminar) Research focus "Who becomes a European Teacher? A Bourdieusian approach to internationalisation in teacher education: A cross-field application of the notion of the ‘transnational [...] states has to prepare teachers for the demands presented by internationalisation and a global context. On a related note, a widely voiced argument is that there is need for increased political and institutional [...] against this background. A central idea discussed here is the concept of the European teacher as a model the EU is striving to create through the internationalisation of and by infusing a global and European