Promoting Critical Environmentalism through Satire and Humor Listen Employing environmental humanities, environmental and social psychology and quantitative and rhetorical research in communication st
The role of leadership in the changing world of work: Why and how supporting recovery is important for employee's well-being when working flexibly Listen In a changing world of work new working condit
Evaluation of Humor Trainings Listen Is humor trainable, are humor trainings effective, and does the humor of the trainers reduce the resistance to the training? Within this study, we evaluate the eff
und Prestigekämpfe von sozialen Klassen und Schichten im 19. Jahrhundert, aber auch mit den für moderne Gesellschaften typische Generationen- und Gruppenkonflikte. Dabei wird deutlich, wie selbst individuelle
Research Colloquium Michel Foucault Listen Research Colloquium "Michel Foucault" mit Prof. Dr. Maurizio Bach: Michel Foucault: Sicherheit, Territorium, Bevölkerung. Geschichte der Gouvernementalität P
Change readiness in SME Listen Which conditions may foster readiness for change in SME and how is readiness for change related to relevant criteria? This quantitative study investigates relationships