directly, are compar'd is an experiment in which brass balls are dropped from different heights into a box filled with clay. The balls leave imprints of different depths in the clay and the forces acting [...] Experiments. In doing so, he also gives more or less exact dimensions of the device, which enables a detailed replica. s'Gravesande's hypothesis was that at different drop heights with different weights [...] reproduction of and experimentation with the device, our BA candidate Svea Behmer was primarily guided by a copper engraving by s'Gravesande (1747) and the accompanying descriptions. The aim of their work was
ge: B.A. Bildungswissenschaften (PO 2013 und PO 2015), M.A. Erziehungswissenschaft: Bildung in Europa – Education in Europe, M.A. Kita-Master – Leitung frühkindlicher Bildungseinrichtungen, M.A. Kultur [...] Kultur – Sprache – Medien (PO 2010 und PO 2014), M.Ed. Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen (gew.-techn.) (PO 2010 und PO 2015), M.Ed. Lehramt an Gemeinschaftsschulen, M.Ed. Lehramt an Grundschulen (PO 2013 und PO
Sacksofsky, M.P.A. (Harvard), Topic: „Democratic Inclusion through Law. The normative Legitimation of Antidiscrimination Law”. LL.M.-programme, University of Cambridge. (10/2009 – 6/2010) Dr. jur. (12/ [...] 400 Euro. (2-9/2011) Printing Subsidy, VG Wort: 6.000 Euro. (11/2010) LL.M. Scholarship, DAAD, for Cambridge (UK): 15.250 Euro. (2009/2010) Doctoral Scholarship, State Baden-Württemberg: 23.780 Euro (5 [...] 2012 Schumpeter Fellow (VW Foundation) 2011/2012 Postdoc at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Ute Sacksofsky, M.P.A. (Harvard), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main 2006-2009 Dr. jur. (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Wahl
to the Casino? A synopsis of intergovernmental, private sector and civil society proposals to reform the international financial system. Berlin: Weed. 2009. Towards a New Bretton Woods? A critical analysis [...] analysis of current debates on building a new financial architecture. Berlin: Weed. 2007. In or Against the Market? Is Fair Trade a neoliberal solution to market failures or a practical challenge to neoliberal [...] Development and Ecological Crises, the project Future for All. A vision for 2048, as well as the project Building Blocks for Climate Justice with a focus on ecological reparations. CV Matthias Schmelzer - 2024
“happiness at home” is a conscious attempt to reduce the definition of success from a global point of reference to a not further elaborated local level. This idea of happiness remains a hollow catchphrase [...] dominated by a “sense of urgency to stop irregular migration to Europe” – as Oxfam points out in a briefing note titled “An Emergency for whom?” (Kervyn & Shilhav, 2017). In this paper I will take a closer look [...] the criteria of a good story in their respective contexts. 2.2 Narrative theory and the question of knowledge Nowadays, narrative is a potent and widespread concept which is used in a variety of fields
scratched body”; a man in a light cardigan is a witness (Joseph, the carpenter); the woman (Mary) carries the “Child, with a hood that covers a white, ob- scured concealed face”; and a forbidden arrival [...] unjust death of a child refugee, but rather a depiction of deceased Kurdi. The fact that his mother and brother died with him triggers the formation of a story behind the image – a story of a family who will [...] Habermas (Limone, 2012) argue for a confrontation with European nationalisms and a reform of Eu- ropean modernity. We need a new vision, Beck states, “a vision for a social Europe” (Brown 2020 Ksenija
liberal and openly pro-EU view fosters a “transnational project of solidarity and social justice” (Zappettini, 2019a, 28) based on a supranational dimension “remaining a bulwark of liberal democracy and human [...] the EU based on a cost- benefit analysis: “I only observe that this Union is born in a bad way and it will end in a worse way. It has miserably failed all challenges, it’s united only by a fixed rate change [...] was defined as a term legally wrong and characterised by a negative a priori judgment suggesting the idea that migrants act as evildoers. However, the general distinction is realised by a discursive strat-
with ECOCs’ aim of generating greater aware- ness of a common, yet diverse European culture and mustering support for the EU as a political project. A growing body of evidence indicates that the European [...] deficit, a point also made by Karaca (2010, 123) in relation to the EU’s involvement in cultural projects more generally. It is believed that greater legitimacy for the EU can be achieved through “a shared [...] sub- limated to other levels (e.g. the local and global), it can be a cultural-political tool for achieving a more profound sense of a common humanity. Immler and Sakkers (2014) noted these trends as implicit
story of a Europe without war or a Europe without injustice (and today a Europe producing a sustainable world). Tragic plots mark a point in the past which needs to be “overcome”, thus construct- ing a tragic [...] etc. However, “[a] robust narrative of the citizens in Europe con- necting the stories of different individuals, groups, nations or cultures into a good new story with a good end, a story that can block [...] Constructing a European identity in such a narrative space opens a chance to unblock the future of the people living in this space. European identity in this sense would then be constituted by a reciprocal
an antenarrative – a frag- mented story in the sense that it is a story in the making, a bet on how it could look like from a potential, retrospective look into the future (Boje, 2001a, 2008; Henderson & [...] any conversation […]” (Czarniawska, 1997, 14). A master narrative, in con- sequence, is a typical story with a normative appeal and it is one that has a certain level of autonomy from, and power over, [...] narratives of a) a “categorical identity discourse”, constructing identity as homogenous and different from “the other”, and b) a “relational identity”, where identity is constructed as a dynamic network