which serves as a target to the campaign countering ef- forts, I selected interview extracts from my PhD research in Yaoundé and with the Came- roonian diaspora in Germany and South Africa. The oldest material [...] of success and the degree of expectations towards migrants who left for the Global North (Nyamnjoh, 2011, 707). Considering imagination a major factor at play, Knut Graw and Samuli Schielke (2012) claim [...] essential because without being present at home, the ‘bushfaller’ is not seen and not rewarded (Nyamnjoh, 2011, 706). A characteristic of adventure narratives is the con- tinuous subordination of dangers to a
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2018. Retrieved from: hcrstats/5d08d7ee7/unhcr-global-trends-2018.html van der Brug, W., G. D’Amato, D. Ruedin, & Berkhout J. (2015). The Politicisation of Migra- tion [...] 149–173. De Fine, A. & Johnstone B. (2015). Discourse Analysis and Narrative. In D. Tannen, Heidi E. Hamilton, & Schiffrin D. (Ed.), The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Second Edition. de Vreese, C. H. (2012) [...] Media. Identities and Interaction. New York: Rout- ledge. Ruiz, C., Domingo, D., Mico, J., Diaz N. J., Meso, K., & Masip P. (2011). Public Sphere 2.0? The Democratic Qualities of Citizen Debates in Online
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support for the EU because cities often experience regeneration after becoming an ECOC (Campbell, 2011; Chambers, 2017). Aarhus has also benefitted economically from having been an ECOC in 2017 (Aarhus [...] “atoms” of discourses and are usually around a sentence long, though they may be longer (Fage-Butler, 2011) – construct objects of discourse. For example, a news item including statements about immigrants [...] Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 9(4), 431–450. doi:10.1080/15705850802416861 Bell, D., & Oakley, K. (2015). Cultural policy. Abingdon: Routledge. Bick, E., Gorbahn, K., Kalwa, N., & Zinsmeister
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Sonja & Vobruba, Georg (2011): Die Arbeitslosigkeitsfalle vor und nach der Hartz- IV-Reform. WSI Mitteilungen 5/2011, 211-217. Retrieved from https://www.boeck- Fervers, Lukas [...] largely dealt with a pseudo problem, but it does cause high real political costs (Fehr & Vobruba, 2011). Secondly, such empirical results on supply behaviour cannot be converted into the labour market [...] (1988): The Work Response to a Guaranteed Income: A Survey of Experi- mental Evidence. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution. Butterwegge, Christoph (2014): Krise und Zukunft des Sozialstaates. 5. Aufl
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form of collective “we” (Eder, 2009b, 2011; Forchtner & Eder, 2017). In contrast to socio-psycho- logical and normative conceptions of identity, Eder (2009b, 2011) thus argues strongly in favor of a s [...] of the social bond (Eder, 2009a), but most notably in his work on European identity (Eder, 2009b, 2011; Forchtner & Eder, 2017). For those less familiar with Eder’s work, a short summary of his main t [...] that these stories can circulate through these networks and be shared and retold among people (Eder, 2011). Applying this idea to the case of Europe, this means that emerging (transnational) networks of social
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Cosmopolitan Europe. Cambridge: Polity. Boje, D. M. (2001a). Narrative methods for organizational and communication research (1 ed.). London: Sage. Boje, D. M. (2001b). What is antenarrative. Retrieved [...] Barbulescu, R., Braun, M., Ciornei, I., Cunningham, N., Díez Medrano, J., Duru, D.N., Hanquinet, L., Pötzschke, S., Reimer, S.D., Salamońska, J., Savage, M., Jensen, J.S., & Varela, A. (2019). Everyday Europe [...] European identity. Meanings of Europe ‘from below’. European Societies, 17(4), 593-614. Schoeneborn, D. (2011). Organization as communication: a Luhmannian perspective. Management Communication Quarterly, 25(4)
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of the ICES Research School and meant to serve as a platform where early-stage researchers (i.e. PhD students, Post-Docs and Junior Professors) get constructive feedback on their work. The idea is that
professional stranger (Agar 1980) pflegen Ethnograph*innen mithin ein „nosing around“ (Lind- ner 1990), d.h. sie begeben sich dahin „where the action is“ (Goffman 1967). Dies bedeutet allerdings keineswegs [...] methodi- sche Verfahren zu verbinden, z.B. Ethnographie und Diskursanalyse (Macgilchrist und van Hout 2011) oder Ethnographie und Netzwerktheorie und Sozialsemiotik (Hipkiss et al. 2019). Darüber hinaus stellen [...] and methodological practices, such as ethnography and discourse analysis (Macgilchrist and van Hout 2011) or ethnography and network theory and social semiotics (Hipkiss et al. 2019). Especially with regard
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