so recent) “narrative turn” in the humanities and social sciences (cf. Kreiswirth, 2005; Hyvärinen, 2010), and also a noticeable interdisciplinary in- terest in working with the notion of narrative specifically [...] (1947). Dialektik der Aufklärung: philosophische Frag- mente. Amsterdam: Querido. Hyvärinen, M. (2010). Revisiting the narrative turns. Life Writing, 7(1), 69-82. Kreiswirth, M. (2005). Narrative turn
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phenomena, in general. Narratives construct and constrain individual and group identity (Hyvärinen et al., 2010; Loseke, 2007; Somers, 1994; Weick, 1995). What is more, they do construct phenomena agents perceive [...] 2012; Dittmer, 2014; Forchtner & Kølvraa, 2012; Petrović, 2017) as well as by newspapers (Rovisco, 2010). Sometimes, this occurs in a professionally fabricated manner as in the case of the European Commission’s [...] 2008; Larat, 2005; Manners & Murray, 2016; Mayer, 2019; Rosoux, 2017; Schünemann, 2017; Smismans, 2010). Finally, narratives play an important role in creating general representations of Europe, including
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This page provides an overview of all courses offered by the department. Please note that except for the seminar "Politische Ökonomie" all courses are taught in English by default. Development Economi
assume the energy audit will be carried out and applied in 2010 for the schools. We can assume the heating consumption can be reduced by 10% in 2010 and continue decreasing after implementing more energy saving
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ethnographischer Forschung darin, „dass sie Neues über das scheinbar Vertraute zu sagen hat“ (Breidenstein 2010, S. 207). Während die quantitativ- standardisierte Forschung als zentrales Gütekriterium die Objektivität [...] ethnographic research is "that it has new things to say about the seemingly familiar" (Breidenstein 2010, p. 207). While quantitative standardized re- search foregrounds objectivity as a central criterion
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Stories by topic Listen The stories can be accessed by predefined topics. In some instances, several stories go under the same topic (such as energy or atoms), in others, there is just one story (at t
Stories by NOS-feature Listen The stories can be accessed by Nature of Science features: In some instances, several stories go under the same feature, in others, there is just one story (at the moment
SCHEDULE DAY 1 - 21.06.2010 06:15 Departure Flensburg / ZOB (in front of the „Holm Passage“) 06:20 Departure Flensburg / Norderburse 17:00 Arrival Brussels around DAY 2 - 22.06.2010 10:30 – 12:00 Visit to [...] (Guided tour as well as discussion with MEP Reimer Böge, (CDU)) 20:30 World Cup 2010 / Germany – Ghana DAY 4 - 24.06.2010 09.00 Departure Brussels 19.00 Arrival in Flensburg --------------------------- [...] Microsoft Word - BRUSSELS.doc MASTER OF EUROPEAN STUDIES BRUSSELS TRIP 2010 IMPORTANT INFORMATION (1) DON’T FORGET YOUR ID/PASSPORT (OTHERWISE NO ENTRY INTO THE INSTITUTIONS)! (2) ADDRESS OF THE HOTEL
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ihres Verhältnisses in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 43. GERHARDS, Jürgen (2010): Mehrsprachigkeit im vereinten Europa. Transnationales sprachliches Kapital als Ressource in einer
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französische Sprachwissenschaft. 4., durchgesehen Auflage. Berlin: Erich-Schmidt-Verlag. GLÜCK, Helmut (2010): Metzler-Lexikon Sprache. 4., aktualisierte und überarbeitete Auflage. Stuttgart: Metzler. GREVISSE [...] Grundfragen der allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft. 3. Auflage. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. STEIN, Achim (2010): Einführung in die französische Sprachwissenschaft. 3. Auflage. Stuttgart/Weimar. J.B. Metzler.
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