Current Projects Listen CCS strategy: Study on the economic evaluation of CO2 capture, transport and storage The main objective of the study is to carry out a detailed overall economic assessment of C
CoalExit Listen The CoalExit project focuses on the economy of the coal phase-out. The exit from coal presents various opportunities but also risks, which will be further analyzed throughout the proje
CINTRAN - Carbon Intensive Regions in Transition - Unravelling the Challenges of Structural Change Listen Regions that depend economically on fossil fuel extraction or energy-intensive industries will
Vielfalt ihrer Erscheinungsweisen, die neben den technischen und organisatorischen auch inhaltliche und soziale Aspekte mit einbezieht; - aus der Perspektive derjenigen, die in dieser Zeitspanne aktiv in die [...] Methoden Transformationsprozesse sensibel in den Blick nehmen kann. 3. Auch in Krisenzeiten bleiben (soziale, gesellschaftliche, institutionelle) Transformationen Verhältnisgrößen (individueller, subjektiver)
ASM Mominul Hasan Listen Contact Phone +49 461 805 2555 Fax +49 461 805 2505 E-mail mominul.hasan -PleaseRemoveIncludingDashes- @ uni-flensburg.de Building Gebäude Madrid Room MAD 001 Street Munketoft
Prof. Dr. Bernd Möller Listen Contact Phone +49 461 805 2506 Fax +49 461 805 2505 E-mail bernd.moeller -PleaseRemoveIncludingDashes- @ uni-flensburg.de Building Gebäude Madrid Room MAD 014 Street Munk
Contact, Opening Hours, Driving Directions Listen For students and prospective students Students and prospective students can find contact information for all study-related services and resources , li
How to find the department for Sustainable Energy Transition Listen OpenStreetMap: Munketoft (MAD) OpenStreetMap: Gebäude VILNIUS 1 (VIL 1) Campus map You can find a detailed campus map here . Postal
Applying to the B.A. Program in International Management (BWL) Listen The following menu items provide comprehensive information about applying for admission to the Bachelor of Arts program in Interna
Applying for Admission to the B.A. Social Sciences: Social and Political Change Listen In the following menu, you will find detailed information about the application requirements for the Bachelor of