Lavoisier i prawo zachowania masy Listen W roku 1782 wrzesień był wyjątkowo przyjemny, a Paryż był bardzo miłym miastem o tej porze roku. Pewnego poranka, dwoje ludzi odeszło od śniadania, kierując sw
K., Historia fizyki od czasów najdawniejszych do współczesności, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2011 Aristotle: De caelo, english translation 1922, online available:
Creative Listen Creativeness in sciences is evident for those who practice science, however, for those who do not, science appears to be either unflexible and acting according to some rules that can n
Empirical evidence Listen Science requires and relies on empirical evidence. Empirical evidence is frequently created through experimentation which is certainly one of the major methodological approac
Prove Listen While science cannot "prove" its knowledge, its conclusions are still accepted and durable, Scientific knowledge can only be "proven" within the accepted reference frame, however, some of
Step-by-step Listen There is no single step-by-step method by which all science is done. A classical misconception identifies the production of scientific knowledge by a sort of cybernetic model. At t
Laws and theories Listen While laws and theories in science are related, they are still distinct from each other. "One of the most resilient misconceptions about science is that laws are mature theori
Vakuum Listen Can something like a NOTHING really BE in existence? This story tells you about the german mayor von Guericke and his losing game to prove the existence of the vacuum. Guericke and vacuu
Pursuing a Doctorate at EUF Listen Starting your doctorate Are you interested in doing a doctorate at Europa-Universität Flensburg? The following pages contain some information on key questions that y
Book presentation and discussion with Anders Engberg-Pedersen Listen The Brandes Gesellschaft für Literaturvermittlung und Kulturtransfer and ICES invite to a book presentation of Georg Brandes – A Pi