Vormann (Sociology seminar) Research focus "Who becomes a European Teacher? A Bourdieusian approach to internationalisation in teacher education: A cross-field application of the notion of the ‘transnational [...] states has to prepare teachers for the demands presented by internationalisation and a global context. On a related note, a widely voiced argument is that there is need for increased political and institutional [...] against this background. A central idea discussed here is the concept of the European teacher as a model the EU is striving to create through the internationalisation of and by infusing a global and European
ICES Research Colloquium Listen The ICES Research Colloquium offers a platform for ICES members and colleagues to present their research and discuss it interdisciplinary. The sessions will be chaired by [...] RIGA 601 and online. https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=m835f5af5aa14ed770d4c3f55a64c741d We look forward to your participation and engaging interdisciplinary discussions! Date Presenter
languages and football clubs: a comparison of the linguistic landscape and language practices of 10 professional clubs and their fans across Europe The colloquium will take a hybrid form unless otherwise [...] the following link https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=ma9cf51d3ce714e313ceaec940a63dcd2 .
02.21 Gülybeayz Kula Apodemische und rihlatypische Reiseliteratur(en) – Literarische Inszenierungen von kollektiven Kultur- und Identitätsdiskursen
16:30-18:00 Prof. Katharina Mangold Normative implications of human rights of persons with DSD in a non-binary legal world 30.05. 16:30-18:00 Prof. Maurizio Bach Follow the science. Muss oder Mythos?
semester Research Colloquium meetings will take place every second week like in the last semesters, but a bit earlier than in previous years Thursdays, 16:15 – 17.45 h, in RIGA 601 and in hybrid format unless [...] Dr. Christiane Reinecke (History) "Alphamobilities. Überlegungen zu einer Ungleichheitsgeschichte von oben" 20.04. Dr. Stefan Wallaschek und Dr. Lara Minkus (Sociology) "Gender Trouble in Europe. When
students to present their research projects! 19.09. Monika Eigmüller (Soziologie) Value conflicts in a differentiated Europe: The impact of digital media on value polarisation in Europe (Antrag Volkswagen [...] des Kalten Krieges 14.11 Estela Schindel (Viadrina, Institut für Europastudien) The EU border regime: a cultural sociological inquiry 21.11. Lea Valentin (Soziologie) Feministische Inszenierungen in Europa [...] Cycles of Crisis. 12.12. Isabelle Chaplot, (Europäische Medienwissenschaft) Der heilige Mensch. Aspekte von kinematographischer Erinnerung im westeuropäischen Nachkiregskino Bitte senden Sie eine E-Mail an maria