analysed in regard to a crucial question: How to better instruct our students in cultural diversity in harmony with the discourses and actual practices in the field in order to enable a better comprehension [...] on of the different cultures of the European Union? And how could a better integration of that diversity in the professional context be realized?
for the lecture series : https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=mefba53d85eba3a44e87a2e7ab825480e Date Name and Affiliation Lecture Title 21.03.23 Karina Korostelina, George Mason University [...] aspects” – Lecture Series Listen The full invasion of Russia in Ukraine in February 2022 has become a shock for many people in Ukraine and outside of the country. Despite the localised military actions [...] Ukraine and the development of the country and the nation in opposition to Russian influence, and not as a part of "Russian world". The current lecture series is aimed at revealing some of the aspects that
with ICES. Event link: https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=m794fe3db74ac2f2f69187a4316c6f082 Meeting number (access code): 121 145 8176 Meeting password: KUv8ydpdW92
jenseits des Staates endlich ernst nimmt. Dazu unterscheidet sie Räume, die territorial gebunden sind, von sozial differenzierten Feldern und politisch umkämpften Zugehörigkeiten. Lebenschancen, so eine ihrer
Brexit and its consequences for Europe? 16.05.2019 18:00 Uhr in HEL 160 Christopher Thornhill (University of Manchester, Humboldt Research Award Gewinner an der EUF und ICES Fellow) In dieser ICES Lec
Friis (Center for Cold War Studies, Syddansk Universitet) looks at minorities in the border region from a security and intelligence perspective. Today, we consider coexistence in the German-Danish border region [...] peaceful; it has long been marked by ethnic conflicts that also had security policy implications. In a new project, German and Danish researchers are looking at the darker side of the national tug-of-war [...] conference series "Need to Know" and co-organizer of the German-Danish Summer School. Thomas is currently a visiting scholar at ICES and cooperates with EUF colleagues from media studies in existing projects
ICES Key Note Lecture: Mediascapes for minority languages Listen Elin Haf Grufydd Jones (University of Wales Trinity Saint David) 31.03.2022 in TAL; 9:30 Uhr In the context of the Minority Language Me
the European University of Flensburg (EUF) was officially opened with a ceremony on Friday 16th March 2018. "European integration is a multi-faceted process that is constantly changing society, politics [...] and Vice President for Europe and International Affairs at the EUF. It is true that the opening of a research centre that deals centrally with questions of European integration in politics, economics, [...] movements. Yet: "the future of the European project is not that bleak," Eigmüller predicts, referring to a recent study that said that identification with the EU is still high and confidence in the EU institutions
including a short description of your research project respectively the training program you plan to attend, the necessity for and details about your intended stay, preliminary timeframe, and a budget plan [...] strengthen European Studies at EUF, ICES supports the following measures within this call: Preparation of a Third-Party Funding Application : Support for applications for interdisciplinary research projects. [...] Access Fees : Coverage of publication costs up to €3,000 per publication. Submissions are possible twice a year, in March and September . Details on the requirements and application process can be found in the