festive occasions simply as a sign of prestige. Additionally to the high prices, shark fins also waste reasonably less stowage on a ship, and thus, many shark species have a higher risk of becoming extinct [...] assure a sustainable existence of this species. Abb. 5: shark without fins (Rotman 2003) Abb. 6: shark without fins on the seabed (Mitterer o.J.) Exercise: 1. Create a brief presentation about a self-chosen [...] The majority of today’s known shark species suffer a reduction of individuals and are part of the list of endangered species. Shark finning plays a major role. Fins are particularly demanded on the Asian
renewable energy project as a material consideration if a community wishes to develop a small renewable energy project solely as a community venture, or takes a share in a larger renewable energy project [...] when available. A heat demand curve was generated using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for the simulation of a District Heating System for a selected area of Achiltibuie and the dimensioning of a thermal storage [...] and the rotor diameter is 48 meters with a hub height of 50m. A gearbox and two asynchronous type generators are installed, each with a rated power of 250 kW and a voltage of 690 ± 10% Volts and frequency
Pathos, Humor und Ironie - Aktuelle Aspekte der Kierkegaard-Rezeption', Universität Flensburg, 29. May 2010) 'The Senses: David Hume's Treatise of Human Nature'. (European Ideas and Scientific Rationality Seminar [...] Cultural Translations by Somhairle MacGill-Eain and Seamus Heaney' (Research circle: 'Translation as a Means to Interpret Literary and Non-Literary Texts', Universität Flensburg, 05. July 2004) 'Musik und
Bleses Management in regionalen Netzwerken Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Perspektiven Shaker Verlag Aachen 2010 Berichte aus der Betriebswirtschaft Berthold H. Hass Rüdiger H. Jung Carlo Simon (Hrsg.) in Kooperation [...] durch einen Zuschuss der Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation ermöglicht. Copyright Shaker Verlag 2010 Alle Rechte, auch das des auszugsweisen Nachdruckes, der auszugsweisen oder vollständigen Wiedergabe [...] Meiner die Endgestaltung des Manu- skripts maßgeblich unterstützten. Flensburg, Remagen und Frankfurt a.M., im Dezember 2009 Berthold H. Hass Rüdiger H. Jung Carlo Simon Vorwort VII Inhaltsübersicht VORWORT
in the form of a best-selling novel. Die Hauptstadt is written in the form of a crime novel with a political message. Brussels is the meeting place for a colourful group of protagonists: a Holocaust survivor [...] learning the skills for engag- ing in a particular profession is one thing, but how does one teach and learn to become a ‘good European’? If a distinct ‘habitus’ of a European scholarly community exists [...] not one history but many histo- ries, and it is a market without a Volk. The diversity of Europe calls for a new singular discipline, but unless such a discipline is established on interdisciplinary f
mounted by a much smaller horizontal wooden plate at the total height of 53 cm (Fig 1a). THERESE KIENEMUND 3 On the top plate sits a mechanical brass structure that consists of a cylinder (Fig. 3e), a gear, [...] with a variation of a tenon and mortise joint as well: the main piece 1 Pulley simply refers to what is called Rolle or Rad an der Rolle in German, a grooved wheel that can direct a rope or string. A pulley [...] measuring 38.5 cm in length. A short metal bar flanked by two wheels, with a ball weight hanging freely by a hook from its center, rests upon the inclined rods, much like wheels of a train cart sit on railroad
each student participates in a work group to specialize in one of the above mentioned subjects. The work group is confronted with a real life technical case study (resp. a problem) of designing renewable [...] can decide to provide a series of lectures as a more specific introduction before the group work starts, if this is necessary to understand the case study. The case study represents a real life problem which [...] Energy Technologies A Studiengang / course: M.Eng. Energie- und Umweltmanagement / M.Eng. Energy and Environmental Management Modulbezeichnung / module name: Renewable Energy Technologies A ggf. Kürzel / a
1/2/2010 1/3/2010 1/4/2010 1/5/2010 1/6/2010 Page | 146 Gleann Dubhlinn calculation sample data Table 15.3.3 Gleann Dubhlinn calculation sample data Source: Own elaboration Energy generation with different [...] modifying loan maturity period. In some cases a project may be deemed viable if it yields a posi- tive NPV and a satisfactory IRR but still have an ADSCR a little lower than 1.0, in which case modification [...] limit during day-time is within the range of 35-40 dB (A) and during the night time the level is 43 dB (A). For the calculations, a noise limit of 43 dB (A) was used. According to the results obtained, the
Project ValCon) Monika Verbalyte has B.A. in Political Science from University of Vilnius (2007) and M.A. in European Sociology from Freie Universität Berlin (2010). From 2015 to 2020, she was Research [...] Vormann (Sociology seminar) Research focus "Who becomes a European Teacher? A Bourdieusian approach to internationalisation in teacher education: A cross-field application of the notion of the ‘transnational [...] states has to prepare teachers for the demands presented by internationalisation and a global context. On a related note, a widely voiced argument is that there is need for increased political and institutional