Inland, zielt auf Förderung der Mobilität, aber bezogen auf die frühe Post-Doc-Phase, Förderdauer i.d.R. bis zu 2 Jahre, Einreichung jederzeit möglich, s. https://www.dfg.de/foerderung/programme/einzel
Info event Post-Docs Listen Info Event about funding and employment opportunities for Post-Docs Termin: 22.05.2024, 16.30 bis 17.30 Uhr (hybrid) ICES and ZeBUSS cordially invite all Post-Docs at the E
Creative Writing at Europa-Universität Flensburg Listen When you sit down and write - a poem, dashed off, or a quick character description, or a moment you witnessed on the bus that you think would ma
6th ICES Wasatia Lectures Listen "Political Reconciliation in South Africa, Germany, and Palestine" Wednesdays, 4-6 pm Wasatia Lecture Room RIG 310/ (Approaches to Reconciliation and Conflict Resoluti
component: The (English) course offerings at EUF, as well as the types and number of mobilities (BA, MA, PhD students and/or teaching staff) Possibly come up with ideas for additional participation options (like
Frequently asked questions Listen
Mrudula Kolhatkar-Knebel Listen Contact Phone +49 461 805 2737 E-mail mrudula.kolhatkar-knebel -PleaseRemoveIncludingDashes- @ uni-flensburg.de Building Gebäude Madrid Room MAD 112 Street Munketoft 3b
LeiKomH2 - Erstellung eines Leitfadens und Kommunikation von Impulsen für Kommunen zur Rolle von Wasserstoff in der Gebäudewärmeversorgung basierend auf den Erfahrungen der Kommunen in Schleswig-Holst
Residence rights for international students Listen We are pleased to provide you with a brochure containing the latest updates to the Skilled Immigration Act and some positive changes to residence law