like Ralph Ellison could lead to a refusal to recognize any filiation with Africa.61 Africa was a drypoint print of a real ity that was unknowable— a hy- phen, a suspension, a discontinuity. And those who [...] break, in a hopeless attempt to support a failing I. Race and racism also have the fundamental characteristic of always inciting and engendering a double, a substitute, an equivalent, a mask, a simulacrum [...] imagination, a ghost of a face, a simulacrum of a face, a silhouette that replaces the body and face of a human being. Racism consists, most of all, in substituting what is with something else, with another real
robotników. a) b) Rys. 1a) Hermann von Helmholtz (1821 – 1894) Rys. 1b) Max Rubner (1854 – 1932) Znalezienie matematycznej równowagi między zasobami a dobrami, a także pomiędzy pożywieniem a obciążeniem [...] procesach chemicznych było kluczowym punktem zainteresowań francuskich naukowców, Simon’a Laplace’a i Antoine’a Lavoisier’a. Wynaleźli oni kalorymetr wodno-lodowy, zaawansowane urządzenie służące do określania [...] przez Hermanna von Helmholtza1 (Rys. 1a) w 1847 roku. Z punktu widzenia fizjologii, prawa zachowania energii oraz konwersji energii stoją obok eksperymentów Max’a Rubner’a (Rys. 1b), który zmierzył energię
zeigt mit der Anlage A3 ein den aktuellen Trend fokussierendes, 53 6 Untersuchung der Wärmebereitstellungskonzepte -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Em is si o n en in k [...] Tab. 6.1: Anlagenauswahl der Voruntersuchung in relativen Anteilen an der Wärmeengpassleistung A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Basis Klassisch Trend 1 Trend 2 Innovativ BHKW 0,25 0,35 0,30 0,30 0,30 GUD 0,25 0,35 - 0,50 [...] 2014 52 6 Untersuchung der Wärmebereitstellungskonzepte 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 K ap it al w er t in M io . € 2014 2015 2016 2025 2026 Abb. 6.4: Kapitalwerte der Anlagen in
Monika Verbalyte holds a B.A. in Political Science from Vilnius University (2007) and an M.A. in European Sociology from Freie Universität Berlin (2010). From 2015 to 2020 she was a research assistant in [...] Langton Muchenjekwa Langton Muchenjekwa is a Zimbabwean and is a holder of a Master of Arts Degree in Religious Studies, an Honours Degree in Religious Studies and a Diploma in Religious Studies, all from [...] Historical Injustices on Reconciliation efforts of TJRC; a case of Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission of Kenya Nemer A. Shaheen Nemer A. Shaheen is a Palestinian researcher from the Gaza Strip. He received
injustice and portrays the homeland as a savage and brutal place in which uprising comes as a liberation. In Germany, the word "homeland" carries a dark undertone of a different kind, having been inextricably [...] for them. The ethnical welfare state is not only a national construction but also a nationalist one—one that, when seen from a historical perspective, is a completely new institution whose task is not to [...] really be on a collision course, and should the people of a nation really be able to use their civil rights to refuse human rights to those who are exposed and persecuted? Can a majority vote a minority out
Lehrveranstaltungen für ERASMUS-Studierende, u.a. Intensivkurs Deutsch (B1/B2) (2008, 2009) E-Learning (B1/B2) (2009), Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (2010, 2011) Information on Bachelor's & Master's Theses [...] Semantisierung der ›Zigeuner‹ vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart ) [07/2011] Magister Artium (M.A.) in den Fächern Germanistik und Philosophie [› mit Auszeichnung ‹]; Zertifikatsstudium ›Deutsch als [...] und Ökonomie‹, ›(politische) Tiere‹, ›Affekte in der Literatur‹) Literatur und (populäre) Medien (u.a. Filme, Serien, Comics/Graphic Novels) Metaphorologie und Begriffsgeschichte Literaturtheorie und T
spheres, a copper disc is placed, thus the heat emitted from a source that is placed in a geometrical line with the two balls can affect only one of the spheres. The thermoscope is placed on a wooden frame [...] though conceptual difficulties played a role, it was also Joule’s status that was meaningful. He was not a trained scientist but more a ‘gentlemen of science’ without a scientific CV or position. Whilst this [...] result sig- nificantly. Such a room exists in a brewery: the cellar in which the beer is stored. This has a huge heat capacity and thus an almost uniform tempera- ture, thus it was a room with the physical proper-
within a short time, a substitute was needed when these had been consumed. A cure for scurvy was not found until the 18th cen- tury when a Scottish physician named James Lind (1736 – 1812) found a treatment [...] perimental setup used. It shows Santorio sitting on a scale (a so-called weighing chair) and a table with cut- lery and dishes next to him. Over a period of some 30 years, he documented the weight of [...] curative effects by administering a dose of the beriberi vitamin to birds suffering from beriberi. A minute dose of 40 milligrams was sufficient to cure a pigeon in a very short time, and it also prevented
since 2010, aims to inspire early-stage researchers in all research areas to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. Two awards are granted every two years to: a) a PhD candidate [...] support. The winner will enjoy a year’s FREE access to a selection of our events. As researcher affiliated to EUF, a ECPR Full Member institution, you are able to nominate a student or colleague who is: [...] in two lines in future: 1) Early-career researchers who have recently taken on a (junior) professorship or become a head of a research group, and 2) established senior researchers will apply in two separate