ASSESSMENT OF HYDRO POWER RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGIES AT CORRAN RIVER 38 Environmental Protection Agency 2010). It provides checklists for the evaluation of a scheme. If the community decides to build a hydropower [...] Environmental Statement if the proposal is likely to have significant effects on the environment (SNH 2010). As the proposed hydropower plant area comes under designated areas of natural heritage defined by [...] process and cooling purposes. According to the Scottish Whisky Association (Scotch Whisky Industry 2010) 50 to 75 percent of water is used for cooling purposes and returned to the environment. Based on
Ethik – Geschlecht – Medizin. Körpergeschichten in politischer Reflexion, 41–69. Berlin: LITVerlag, 2010. ———. „West Indian Abortifacients and the Maikin of Ignorance“. In Agnotology : the making and unmaking [...] Atlantic World, Ethik – Geschlecht – Medizin. Körpergeschichten in politischer Reflexion, Berlin 2010, S. 41–69. links.pdf Sibylla and The Cocoons.pdf Story
Figure 4: Rubner’s animal calorimeter on display during the exhibition “Energie = Arbeit” in Berlin 2010; photography made by Elke Jung-Wolff; reproduction by courtesy of Stiftung Brandenburger Tor, Berlin
igkeit auch im Rahmen der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit genutzt und demonstriert werden. Seit 2010 wird zudem Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden die Möglichkeit eröffnet, in Kooperation mit Wi
Zusammenarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Es enthält keine thematischen Vorgaben. Seit 2010 wird zudem Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden die Möglichkeit eröffnet, eigene Projektanträge
British Commonwealth that still accepted its jurisdiction after independence. Belize did so until 2010, when it delegated the power of judicial oversight to the Caribbean Court of Justice instead. As the [...] Powell, eds., The Emer- gence of Organizations and Markets (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010). 8. Morgan Ricks, The Money Problem (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016). 9. Piketty, Capital [...] Usury’: The Usury Prohibition as a Barrier to Entry,” Explorations in Economic History 47, no. 4 (2010):420– 442. 27. Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Conceptualizing Capitalism: Institutions, Evolution, Future (Chicago:
Experiments of Otto Von Guericke, Dordrecht 1994, online available: B Secondary Sources (Englisch) Genz, Henning: Nothingness, the Science of Empty Space., Reading
durrelli: a carnivoran species related to the brown-tailed mongoose, from Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. (2010) • Centrolene durrellorum: A glassfrog of the family Centrolenidae from the eastern Andean foothills [...] version of his autobiography as a child (2005) •• My Family and Other Animals (Radio Play), BBC Radio 4 (2010) On the subject • A Memorial Celebration for the Life of Gerald Durrell (1995) • World of Animals
Intensivkurs Deutsch (B1/B2) (2008, 2009) E-Learning (B1/B2) (2009), Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (2010, 2011) Information on Bachelor's & Master's Theses Hinweise und Leitfaden für Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
analitycznej. Rys. 4. Zwierzęcy kalorymetr Rubner’a jako element wystawy “Energie=Arbeit” w Berlinie, w 2010 roku. Zdjęcie zrobione przez Elke Jung-Wolff, reprodukcja dzięki uprzejmości Stiftung Brandenburger