Different Perspectives on Social Inequality" of the VW Foundation. This call for funding is part of a broader international funding framework which aims to stimulate international research collaboration
since 2010, aims to inspire early-stage researchers in all research areas to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. Two awards are granted every two years to: a) a PhD candidate [...] support. The winner will enjoy a year’s FREE access to a selection of our events. As researcher affiliated to EUF, a ECPR Full Member institution, you are able to nominate a student or colleague who is: [...] in two lines in future: 1) Early-career researchers who have recently taken on a (junior) professorship or become a head of a research group, and 2) established senior researchers will apply in two separate
your attention to it once again. The central focus of this position is to develop and submit a proposal to a funding program of the German Research Foundation (DFG) (e.g., individual research grants, i [...] previous events it will take place on a Thursday at 4:15 in RIGA 601 and online via webex. Due to the following meeting of members, we will close the colloquium session a little earlier than normally at 5:15 [...] cfaf5bf8203881fd7c7067cc https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=mec58680b4306f57a1a293c90c335abb8 mailto:ices@uni-flensburg.de mailto:ices@uni-flensburg.de ICES Wasatia Lectures in Autumn
5ab4da4fa3ba238a96d3d Date Presenter Title 28.09. 10:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Claudius Gräbner- Radkowitsch The philisophy of science of interdisciplinary research 05.10. 10:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Tea Hodaj Dynamics [...] conducting a research project of their own and must be institutionally affiliated with a scientific institution in Germany or with a German scientific institution abroad. A scholarship is granted for a period [...] cases. Please send a short description (max. 1-2 pages) of the initiative, the reasons for funding and an estimate of the costs to ices@uni- flensburg.de by 15.09.2023. This deadline is not a cut-off date.
empirical situations and, hence, emphasize its importance for a philosophical discourse that deals with practical situations, among others through a specific understanding of the idea of Europe, judaism, and [...] co-hosted the 13th International Conference on Minority Languages in 2011. The conference aims to encourage a dialogue and facilitate nuanced debates concerning the challenges facing minority language media in [...] Zusammenarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Es enthält keine thematischen Vorgaben. Seit 2010 wird zudem Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden die Möglichkeit eröffnet, eigene Projektanträge
valuable insights into this dynamic subject. The event commenced with a prayer for peace, setting a reflective tone, followed by a delightful dinner. Attendees seized the opportunity to engage in thou [...] Society On Tuesday, April 23rd, Yosur Al Khukun, a dedicated PhD student at the EUF Wasatia Graduate School for Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies, delivered a thought-provoking lecture on the Intersection [...] Flensburg as the first Scholar in Residence starting from May 1st for a two-month period. During his residency, Professor Loghlin will deliver a lecture titled "The Northern Ireland Good Friday Agreement: Peace
Lundvall, B.Ä. (2010) National Systems of Innovation – Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning, Anthem Press, UK - Aubert, J-E (2004) Promoting Innovation Developing Countries : A Conceptual [...] Lehrveranstaltungen: Semester: The module takes place in the second semester and is offered once in a year. Modulverantwortliche(r): Dipl.-Ing. Peter Heßbrüggen Dozent(in): Dipl.-Ing. Peter Heßbrüggen Sprache: [...] ons on selected topics. These can be done in small groups or individually, depending on the topic. A fine-tuning of the seminar contents will take place at the beginning of the seminar in order to incorporate
analysis - lessons learned from the Nordic Energy Perspectives project (April 2010) - - Bhattacharyya, Timilsina (2010):A review of energy system models, Development Research Group, The World Bank - - [...] Lund, B.V. Mathiesen and M. Leahy, A review of computer tools for analysing the integration of renewable energy into various energy systems, Applied Energy 87 (2010) - - Brian C. O’Neilla, Mausami Desaib [...] compulsory Lehrform / SWS / form of seminar / teaching hours per week: Seminar with group work on a case study 4 SWS Arbeitsaufwand / student workload: 60 contact hours 90 hours individual work Kreditpunkte
have to do a part of these exercises as homework. The successful submission of the homework is a precondition for admission to the module exam. In addition the students have to prepare a small presentation [...] complemented by a project exercise. During the project exercise the student either - design and carry out an energy audit in a small to medium size public building in Flensburg or - develop a concept for an [...] retrofit for a building in a tropical country. The data for this project will be supplied by alumni, working in the building sector. For this purpose, they form teams of 3-5 students, assign a team leader
each student participates in a work group to specialize in one of the above mentioned subjects. The work group is confronted with a real life technical case study (resp. a problem) of designing renewable [...] can decide to provide a series of lectures as a more specific introduction before the group work starts, if this is necessary to understand the case study. The case study represents a real life problem which [...] Energy Technologies A Studiengang / course: M.Eng. Energie- und Umweltmanagement / M.Eng. Energy and Environmental Management Modulbezeichnung / module name: Renewable Energy Technologies A ggf. Kürzel / a