together on a solid code base. Bundling efforts - being open to everyone A different approach was therefore chosen with the oemof modeling framework. In mid-2014, oemof was developed in a collaboration [...] flexible, the concept of apps offers users maximum freedom in using a range of functions. This means that the software can be adapted to a large number of applications. The complete transparency of the modeling [...] and simuation Project Description The oemof (Open Energy Modeling Framework) modeling framework is a tool used for modeling and analyzing energy systems. It is an open-source licensed software that is
Different Perspectives on Social Inequality" of the VW Foundation. This call for funding is part of a broader international funding framework which aims to stimulate international research collaboration
in all research areas to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. Two awards are granted every two years to: a) a PhD candidate and b) a postdoctoral fellow. The prize-giving [...] support. The winner will enjoy a year’s FREE access to a selection of our events. As researcher affiliated to EUF, a ECPR Full Member institution, you are able to nominate a student or colleague who is: [...] in two lines in future: 1) Early-career researchers who have recently taken on a (junior) professorship or become a head of a research group, and 2) established senior researchers will apply in two separate
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Nussbaumer Knafic (2015): Storytelling with Data: a data visualization guide for business professionals, 1st edition, Wiley - Andy Kirk (2016): Data visualisation: a handbook for data driven design, 1st edition [...] that needs to be solved - are able to, given a sample, describe all relevant aspects of said sample related with the problem at hand - are able to, given a sample, infer information about the population
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qualitativer und quantitativer Analyse“, o. J., 14. Mayring, Philip. Ǫualitative Content Analysis - A Step-by-Step Guide. 1. Aufl. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2022. Lamnek, Siegfried, und Claudia Krell. Ǫualitative [...] Ǫualitative Sozialforschung: mit Online-Material. 6., Überarbeitete Auflage. Weinheim Basel: Beltz, 2016. Wichmann, Angela. Ǫuantitative und Ǫualitative Forschung im Vergleich: Denkweisen, Zielsetzungen und
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demand is covered with a total wind generation of 4101 MWh with a capacity factor of 52.02% and a total excess energy of 274.1 MWh. The Ground Source Heat Pump contributed 875.2 MWh to a total demand of 1527 [...] covered with a total wind generation of 4101 MWh with a capacity factor of 52,02% and a total excess energy of 274.1 MWh as in the basic demand scenario. The Ground Source Heat Pump 875.5 MWh from a total demand [...] for each section of the pipe line. A steel twin pipe system is suggested, which has a polyurethane foam insulation and aluminium foil as a diffusion barrier. Such a flexible pipe system has approximately
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the research subject and contributes to the further development of theories and concepts. There is a two-stage application procedure. Project outlines must be submitted by May 31, 2021. https://www.bmbf
nsburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=m8a696c7751af24097e36a9f5d7f65b5e https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/uni-flensburg/j.php?MTID=m8a696c7751af24097e36a9f5d7f65b5e https://uni-flensburg.webex.com/u [...] etail/-/publication/d5d51f48-fadb-11ee-a251-01aa75ed71a1/language-en https://op.europa.eu/de/publication-detail/-/publication/219aa5ea-fae2-11ee-a251-01aa75ed71a1/language-en https://op.europa.eu/de/p [...] tion-detail/-/publication/945e39a3-e0f0-11ee-8b2b-01aa75ed71a1/language-en https://op.europa.eu/de/publication-detail/-/publication/945e39a3-e0f0-11ee-8b2b-01aa75ed71a1/language-en ECPR Events and Calls
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one of the most suitable. It has a nominal power of 50 kW, a vertical shaft, a diameter of 6 m and a height of 3 m. With these values, to facilitate the estimations, a cross-sectional area of 18 m2 is [...] Energy, 2(3), 205-221. Rahman, M. M., Khan, M. M. U. H., Ullah, M. A., Zhang, X., & Kumar, A. (2016). A hybrid renewable energy system for a North American off-grid community. Energy, 97, 151-160. Renewable [...] working hours. Table 4-12 provides a detailed overview of seasonality for a business unit in 2030. It was considered a growth on the business unit sector of 1.5 and a total of 1350 kg of propane per year
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modifying loan maturity period. In some cases a project may be deemed viable if it yields a posi- tive NPV and a satisfactory IRR but still have an ADSCR a little lower than 1.0, in which case modification [...] limit during day-time is within the range of 35-40 dB (A) and during the night time the level is 43 dB (A). For the calculations, a noise limit of 43 dB (A) was used. According to the results obtained, the [...] resources available in a geo- graphical area. It is essential for wind energy planning and it is useful to map a smaller space within a region in order to optimize the positioning of a wind turbine. The parameters
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