Emptiness was written by Peter Heering with the support of the European Commission (project 518094-LLP-1-2011-1-GR-COMENIUS-CMP) and the University of Flensburg, Germany. This publication reflects the views only
would end up in autumn or even winter. In fact, from a historical perspective, the events of 2010- 2011 have to be understood as the third Arab revolt. The first was an Arab revolt against imperialistic [...] , democracy, and elections. Nothing was heard about an Islamic order or Califate. So, we consider 2011/2012 as the beginning of long search for a new order by the entire Arab World. The era of European [...] beginning. The enormous energy of mostly young people which we saw during the mass demonstrations in 2011/12 is not like a genie, that may be pushed back into the bottle; it has escaped from it and is there
Bärbel Diehr & Ralf Gießler, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 54/2011, 158-162; Rolf Kreyer, Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen 40-2/2011, 136-138; "Fachbuch aus Flensburg als Grundlage zur Unterrichtsforschung"
focus of their investigation (Powdthavee 2009; Della Guista et al. 2010; Bottan and Perez-Truglia; 2011; Piper 2012; Wunder 2012) or as a small part (for example Frijters et al. 2014) and contains omissions [...] which regressors should be treated as exogenous and which endogenous. 10 7Bottan and Perez-Truglia (2011), for example, report p-values of
kte/ Energiesysteme/Dokumente/denaVNS_Abschlussbericht.pdf , Accessed on 03.09.2013 Homer Energy (2011). Getting Started Guide for HOMER Legacy (Version 2.68). Available at: [...] Flensburg OECD (2015): World Energy Outlook 2015. Paris SRU (German Advisory Council on the Environment) (2011): Pathways towards a 100% renewable electricity system. Special Report. Berlin WEC (World Energy Council) [...] Flensburg OECD (2015): World Energy Outlook 2015. Paris SRU (German Advisory Council on the Environment) (2011): Pathways towards a 100% renewable electricity system. Special Report. Berlin WEC (World Energy Council)
Bildungsinländer beinhalten. Tabelle: Studienanfängerprognose für Deutschland 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 CHE 310.540 322.800 328.382 330.338 347.050 353.489 355.946 KMK 75% 318.700 326.000 324 [...] Prognosen des CHE liegen für alle Jahre ab 2009 zwischen den beiden Angaben der KMK. In den Jahren 2011 und 2012 (KMK) und 2013 (CHE) werden die meisten Studienanfänger erwartet. Danach geht die Zahl der [...] ohnehin, konservativen Prognosen entsprechend, in Richtung der 40%-Marke. Sieht man die Jahre zwischen 2011 und 2013 als Ausnahmen einer stetigen Entwicklung, so ist eine leichte Steigerung der Eintrittsquote
addition, information is provided about barrier-free accessible offers and events. Tactile city map Since 2011, a tactile city map has been hanging at the train station (between tracks 2 and 4). Tourist attractions
written by Katarzyna Przegiętka with the support of the European Commission (project 518094-LLP-1-2011-1-GR-COMENIUS-CMP) and Polish Association of Science Teachers, Poland. This publica- tion reflects
telegram was written by Peter Heering with the support of the European Commission (project 518094-LLP-1-2011-1-GR-COMENIUS-CMP) and the University of Flensburg, Germany. This publication re- flects the views
was written by Grażyna Drążkowska with the support of the European Commission (project 518094-LLP-1-2011-1-GR- COMENIUS-CMP) and Polish Association of Science Teach- ers, Poland. This publication reflects