Subjective Listen Science has a subjective aspect to it. Science and scientific research are normally considered to be objective, yet, there are also subjective aspects: Scientists decide what they ta
Physics Listen Can something like a NOTHING really BE in existence? This story tells you about the german mayor von Guericke and his losing game to prove the existence of the vacuum. Guericke and vacu
Influence Listen Science is influenced by historical, cultural, and social factors. What scientists consider to be relevant, what they consider to be an appropriate methodology and how they define wha
Technology Listen While science and technology influence each other, they are not the same. "Many confuse the terms science and technology, often considering them synonyms. Roughly speaking there are
Answers Listen Science and its methods cannot answer all questions. On the one hand, there are certain areas which cannot be answered by scientific methods. This does not mean that scientists do not h
Atoms Listen Here, a fictive dispute between Democritus and Plato shall represent the counterpart images in the antiquities on the composition of matter. It is remarkable, that Democritus, whose idea
Nourishment Listen "There's lots to be done, but they had an idea how to show, that the human body burns food." The fascinating path, which may have led to this discovery, is depicted in Antoine Laure
Energy Listen What is the nature of heat – is it a substance or infinitesimal movement of matter? Among others, the Bavarian War Minister Benjamin Thompson, later known as Count Rumford, found an answ
Radioactivity Listen Meet Marie Curie on her way from a promising student, who was born and raised in difficult times, to one of the most renowned female natural scientists in the 20th century and esp