depending on the topic. The seminar is complemented by a case study which allows the students to practice the knowledge acquired from these inputs. A fine-tuning of the seminar contents will take place at [...] planning approaches, it emphasizes the different steps of a participatory rural energy planning process. The theoretical course is complemented with a comprehensive case study and planning exercise. Contents [...] Countries. ESMAP and RFF Press, 2007. - Singh, S. and Bajpai, U. (2010) Integrated energy planning for sustainable development in rural areas: A case study from Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Energy and Environment
Cambridge UK Markandya, Anil et. Al (eds.) (2010): The Social Costs of Energy. Scenarios and Policy Implications. Chaltenham, UK National Research Council (USA) (2010): Hidden Costs of Energy – Unpriced Co [...] Consequences of Energy Production and Use. Washington, D.C. Nestle, Ingrid (2010): The Costs of Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector – A Comparison of Two Calculation Approaches. Dissertation. Flensburg Office [...] presentation (approx. 15 min. per student) of the results of the different teams in the seminar and a final written report (approx. 15 pages per student) by each team Medienformen / media used: Group work
in to her dream. Only a couple of weeks before she had drawn a flower so pre- cisely and well that her stepfather had told her he would be able to use the picture as a sample for a book he was currently [...] Sibylla Merian visited such a breeding station. Later she was always interested in an alternative to the silkworm. On the other hand she was the daughter of a famous engraver and got a professional training [...] least by Kirchers ‘China Illustrata’. This book contains a colorful description of China and its culture. From a modern point of view, the picture was a quite distorted one. As Kircher had only written rec-
marzenia obu sióstr. Ona zostanie guwernantką na wsi, a połowę wynagrodzenia będzie przesyłała Broni. Umożliwi to siostrze studia medyczne w Paryżu, a kiedy Bronia zostanie lekarzem, zapłaci za podróż Marii [...] potwierdzi, proponujemy nazwać go polonem, od kraju ojczystego Marii”. P6. Jeśli był(a)byś Marią Curie i właśnie odkrył(a)byś, że oprócz uranu w chalkolicie istnieje nowy pierwiastek promieniotwórczy, jakie [...] kiedy po 7 latach nadeszła jej wielka szansa, wahała się: „Czy naprawdę powinnam jechać do Paryża? A jeśli tak, to co mam studiować?... Na pewno fizykę!? Przecież ostatnio, przebywając w Warszawie, dużo
within a short time, a substitute was needed when these had been consumed. A cure for scurvy was not found until the 18th cen- tury when a Scottish physician named James Lind (1736 – 1812) found a treatment [...] perimental setup used. It shows Santorio sitting on a scale (a so-called weighing chair) and a table with cut- lery and dishes next to him. Over a period of some 30 years, he documented the weight of [...] curative effects by administering a dose of the beriberi vitamin to birds suffering from beriberi. A minute dose of 40 milligrams was sufficient to cure a pigeon in a very short time, and it also prevented
speaking) of a resin cake which is placed inside a bowl that has a metallic bottom which is grounded. At the beginning of the ex- periment, the electrophorus is rubbed and charges are separated. A metallic [...] the 17th and a very weak child. His father, Johann Conrad Lichtenberg, who was a pastor in Ober – Ramstadt, baptized him immediately after the birth. Since childhood, Lichtenberg was a very ill man. Around [...] Ciechański (1737 – 1828), who was a Polish man from Słuck. Financial affairs had never been important for Georg Christoph. He did not earn enough for a house, or even a flat, and till the end of his life
skin can be caused by diseases.’ ‘Peter, do you have a tattoo? Why didn’t you say a word?’, said Paul with claim. ‘Oh, come on, no… I was once hit by a light- ning. The veins go to the top due to the hit [...] discovered for the first time by a German physicist, Georg Christopher Lichtenberg, who was studying and demonstrating them at the University of Göttingen. Lichtenberg built a large electrophorus to generate [...] John smiled to him in the same way. Andrew didn’t give up, he walked up to ‘a lucky boy’ and put up the hem of his shirt to have a chance to see that scientific phenomenon once again. The boy only looked
zamiłowanie zaszczepił swoim dwóm najmłodszym synom. Przez całe życie gromadził aparaturę fizyczną, a w niedzielnych kazaniach chętnie opowiadał swym parafianom o odkryciach astronomicznych, zaś oni wysyłali [...] najwybitniejszych współczesnych uczonych. Został członkiem Royal Society i Petersburskiej Akademii Nauk, a Uniwersytet w Lejdzie zaproponował mu posadę profesora, której również nie przyjął, gdyż był już za [...] się poważny problem.” Literatura: Hewitt P. G., Fizyka wokół nas, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2010
the 17th and a very weak child. His father, Johann Conrad Lichtenberg, who was a pastor in Ober – Ramstadt, baptized him immediately after the birth. Since childhood, Lichtenberg was a very ill man. Around [...] Ciechański (1737 – 1828), who was a Polish man from Słuck. Financial affairs had never been important for Georg Christoph. He did not earn enough for a house, or even a flat, and till the end of his life [...] ns, called later ‘Lichtenberg figures’. He made a history as the classic of European aphoristic. The aphorisms, drafts and essays written by him, show a man of the outstanding intelligence and sense of