Case-based learning Listen Both sides benefit from cooperation between pedagogical science and practice; science is increasingly able to orient itself towards the requirements of practice and pedagogi
Mental Health Literacy Listen Knowledge about mental health in children and adolescents has positive effects: It is considered as an effective prevention strategy, facilitates the recognition of menta
Pedagogical-psychological diagnostics Listen Intelligence diagnostics Characteristics of high intellectual giftedness can be, for example, a faster learning speed, the ability to grasp complex relatio
Underachievement in case of high giftedness Listen High giftedness does not automatically lead to high performance, but can be understood as a potential for high performance (Preckel & Vock, 2021). In
Special personality profiles of gifted people in counseling Listen A key personality trait of cognitively gifted children and young people is their above-average intelligence. Accordingly, cognitive s
Depression, Kognitiv-behaviorale Methoden, Kliniklehrkräfte, Lehrkräftebildung Duration 03/01/2018 - 06/30/2019 University institution Abteilung Sonderpädagogische Psychologie Responsible Partner Schule Hesterberg
eiten, Lehrkräftebildung, klinisch-psychologisches Wissen, Prävention Duration 02/01/2017 - 08/31/2019 University institution Abteilung Sonderpädagogische Psychologie Responsible back
Psychische Auffälligkeiten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen – die Rolle von Lehrkräften für Sonderpädagogik Listen Psychische Auffälligkeiten beeinträchtigen die soziale und kognitive Entwicklung von Kind
Unterricht an Klinikschulen in Schleswig-Holstein Listen Kinder und Jugendliche, die aufgrund einer Erkrankung stationär behandelt werden müssen, haben Anspruch auf eine angemessene unterrichtsbezogen