Those who are attending in person are welcome to join us for a coffee afterwards, and/or a lunch before. Technically, the meeting will take a hybrid form: we will meet in-person in RIGA 601, but also provide [...] hes- @ uni-flensburg.de A short tutorial in PDF form is provided in the documents section of Basecamp. Goal of the Research Atelier The Research Atelier is meant to serve as a platform where early-stage [...] might be interested in participating. To allow for the possibility of feedback, you should aim to give a presentation of no more than 30 minutes, better 20. Also, keep in mind that we are an interdisciplinary
inclusion of sociolinguistic understanding of language change and variation can – and should – play a much bigger role in the advancement of speech technologies. All are very welcome. For further info, [...] inclusion of sociolinguistic understanding of language change and variation can – and should – play a much bigger role in the advancement of speech technologies. All are very welcome. For further info, [...] inclusion of sociolinguistic understanding of language change and variation can – and should – play a much bigger role in the advancement of speech technologies. All are very welcome. For further info,
to provide an overview of funding and employment opportunities which contribute to the promotion of a career in academia. We will introduce funding opportunities for your own position within national or [...] opportunities also on our website . Besides funding opportunities we will briefly outline pathways to a permanent professorship/researcher career. At this event, we will inform you about these offers, provide
Robert Menasse: Die Welt von morgen. Ein souveränes Europa und seine Feinde Listen ICES MINERVA Lecture with writer Robert Menasse/ Date: 27.06.2024, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. (Museumsberg) Wir freuen uns sehr
16:30-18:00 Prof. Katharina Mangold Normative implications of human rights of persons with DSD in a non-binary legal world 30.05. 16:30-18:00 Prof. Maurizio Bach Follow the science. Muss oder Mythos?
Welcome and conversation with the New Cohort of PHD students in the Wasatia Graduate School, followed by a reception. Vice President of the German Parliament, Ms. Aydan Özoğuz 05.06.24 Minority Women in the
workshop Listen KURS and ICES are hosting a research workshop on Language, Discrimination and Minorities in RIG717, from 14.30-1730hrs. ALL WELCOME The programme is as follows: Prof. Nancy Niedzielski
personal atmosphere of a small university with fewer students, to a university with more than 30,000 students - from nearby universities to those that are further away. Feel free to take a closer look at our [...] including a humanities and social sciences faculty, an economics faculty, a sports and health sciences faculty, and an education faculty. Just like our university here in Flensburg, the JYU emerged from a university [...] educational sciences has a long tradition there. Of the 14,700 students, around 900 are from abroad, as the university offers a wide range of international courses. In addition to a large number of Engli
IT security at Europa-Universität Flensburg Listen In our increasingly digitalized working and living environment, the topic of "IT security" is becoming more important and more complex every year. On
of Europe into students’ everyday life. What criteria must a school meet to become a European School? To be certified as a European School, a school in Schleswig-Holstein must meet five main criteria: [...] schools that have been awarded a special certificate and have geared their school profiles to Europe-friendly guidelines. The goal of European schools is to bring the idea of a common Europe closer to students [...] school) What other special features do European schools have? European schools offer a wide range of activities with a variety of thematic focuses. Recent years, for example, have given rise to competitions