The Concept Listen The PhD-Programme creates an interdisciplinary framework for dialogical understanding of the structural nature of conflict and the development of sustainable conflict resolution str
Concept and resources Listen Concept As part of the counseling sessions, we first clarify your assignment. In line with the empowerment concept, we provide scientifically sound knowledge based on indi
origin to help their hometown develop. There must be a strong love for their land and I was touched by their contribution. I also felt fulfilled in being able to communicate with the locals, helping manage [...] the department was helping the teachers and lecturers with their teaching preparation and presentations. This meant that the lecturers would contact me whenever they wanted my help, for instance, formatting [...] after the sessions, and I sometimes helped during the sessions (for instance whenever the students needed to do some group work, I would walk around and offer my help). I was generally allowed to look over
Condensator Straw Electroscope Listen The Condensator Straw Electroscope was first described by Alessandro Volta in 1787. Two thin straws are hung up inside of a jar so they can oscillate freely witho
Conference "Outrage - Enthusiasm - Hope. European revolutions and contemporary protest movements". Listen 11th - 12th December 2018 We would like to invite you to the conference "Outrage - Enthusiasm
[Translate to 2-English:] 2nd International Conference of the Europa University Flensburg (Germany) and the University of Education, Winneba (Ghana) on Listen cfp-flensburg2017-20161213-tressat-07-neu
Call for Papers: Purity in Minoritized Languages Listen Conference Dates: June 19-21, 2025 Plenary Speakers: Aneta Pavlenko (York University, UK) Julia Sallabank (University of London, UK) James Hawke
Conference Papers Listen 2009 "USA – UK. A Battle of the Brains" at International Day. Flensburg, June 9th. "Der Jahrhundertmord. Attentat vor laufender Kamera" at Ringvorlesung zu Das Jahrhundert der
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