Germans assume a historically-developed responsibility; Israelis participate in the learning process and discover their own roots in Germany and Europe. 3. "Teaching Holocaust" Teaching Holocaust, a concept where [...] essential item on the agenda for education, in order to pave the way for a peaceful world; 5. To address the urgent need to build a diplomatic corps of peacemakers, in order to improve public understanding [...] foundation's discourse is dedicated to developing and establishing a European civil society with special attention to the Middle East. A central aspect of the civil society paradigm is the question of how
perceive the effects of the free movement of persons? In a first step, the project will assess the effects of the free movement of persons in a comprehensive way with reference to collective actors in [...] relation to the socio-political outcomes of citizens leaving Eastern and Southern Europe. Since the 2010s, member states and the EU level address the brain-drain from EU countries of origin and the unequal [...] their perception of effects are key to answering this question empirically. Thereby, the project tests a key assumption formulated in EU integration theory – the positive relation between free movement of
taking a biographical perspective, we seek to improve the understanding of their situation, needs and views, to identify issues and to (re)formulate German legal norms and regulations in such a way that [...] with DSD and non-binary persons, then to develop a comprehensive legislative programme to change the current gender-binary law and medical regulations in a way that best promotes the human rights of persons [...] that will run concurrently: (1) A qualitative interview study of persons with diverse DSD conditions and non-binary persons, using an empirical bioethics approach in a hermeneutic-phenomenological perspective
LaWa - Landschaften des Wandelns Listen Das Projekt "Landschaften des Wandelns" erforscht die dynamische Natur und Bedeutung europäischer (Kultur)Landschaften, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Dualität v
Geschlechtergleichheit in vier europäischen Ländern (Deutschland, Irland, Polen, Spanien) im Zeitraum 2010 bis 2025 untersuchen, warum dieser Wert eine wachsende Politisierung erfahren hat und wie es inne
“Die Konturen des Kolonialstaats. Steuer- und Haushaltspolitik in den deutschen Kolonien (1884-1914)”. Listen Das Projekt untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Steuererhebung und Herrschaft in den deut
Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic Listen Die COVID-19-Pandemie brach am Ende eines Jahrzehnts mit sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Krisen in Europa aus. Sie hat die ko
studies by exploring how 'race' is produced through the sonic, olfactory and spatial by mobilising a novel methodological approach. Space and the senses are seldom explicitly employed to understand how [...] project interdisciplinary combines geographical, urban, postcolonial and migration studies and methods to a.) spatialise key texts in the German critical 'race' and whiteness studies canon using interactive graphic
Gender inequalities across Europe and the relevance of social media Listen The project will explore the importance of social media platforms for public debates on gender equality policies. By looking
e und der Gatekeeper Rolle von Zulassungsverfahren Rechnung getragen werden (Lohmann/Groh-Samberg 2010; Lucas 2017). Zudem spielen hier nicht nur aktuelle Entscheidungssituationen, sondern auch das auf [...] (logistische Regressionen) angewendet um die Prozesse der Studiengangwahl zu untersuchen (Temme 2007; Mood 2010). Im Mittelpunkt steht erstens die Identifikation möglicher Mediationseffekte der unterschiedlichen [...] 321 Street Auf dem Campus 1b Post code / City 24943 Flensburg Project members Talke Sophia Cassing M.A. talke.cassing -PleaseRemoveIncludingDashes- @ uni-flensburg.de +49 461 805 2975 Gebäude Riga 6 - RIG