twice the chance to report a new discovery, which, when reported by their adversaries, won those a Nobel Prize. In 1935, their accurate observation skills finally earned them a Nobel Prize of their own, [...] The dutch physician Christiaan Eijkman is trying to cure people from a strange illness. Beri-Beri was known in the dutch colonies for a long time, but researchers were unable to identify the cause for the [...] Subjective Listen Science has a subjective aspect to it. Science and scientific research are normally considered to be objective, yet, there are also subjective aspects: Scientists decide what they take
something like a NOTHING really BE in existence? This story tells you about the german mayor von Guericke and his losing game to prove the existence of the vacuum. Guericke and vacuum In 1778, a strange line [...] reasons, why it did not become a best practice model. Mouchot and the solar cooker Irene Joliot-Curie and her husband Frederic missed at least twice the chance to report a new discovery, which, when reported [...] reported by their adversaries, won those a Nobel Prize. In 1935, their accurate observation skills finally earned them a Nobel Prize of their own, when they presented how man was able to generate new radioactive
192 KB (PDF) Student’s Learning Activities 05/05/2021 240 KB (PDF) Simulation Historical Resources A Primary Sources, English and Latin Schott, Kaspar : Technica Curiosa, Sive Mirabilia Artis: Libris XII [...] Experiments of Otto Von Guericke, Dordrecht 1994, online available: B Secondary Sources, English Genz, Henning : Nothingness, the Science of Empty Space., Reading
attempt to produce a meat extract which she could drink instead of eating the meat. The result is a precursor to modern bouillon cubes. Liebig and nutrition What is the nature of heat – is it a substance or [...] consider to be an appropriate methodology and how they define what is considered to be a scientific fact is the result of a discourse which is - among other factors - also shaped by historical, cultural, and [...] The dutch physician Christiaan Eijkman is trying to cure people from a strange illness. Beri-Beri was known in the dutch colonies for a long time, but researchers were unable to identify the cause for the
problems relate to a particular need such as how to produce a more effective or less expensive music storage device, how to increase the agricultural yield of a plot of land, or how to vanquish a particular [...] determined the ratio of heat and mechanical work. Joule und Energy What is the nature of heat – is it a substance or infinitesimal movement of matter? Among others, the Bavarian War Minister Benjamin Thompson [...] by analysing the drilling process for manufacturing cannons. Rumford and calorics Can something like a NOTHING really BE in existence? This story tells you about the german mayor von Guericke and his losing
cookstove and the political and economical reasons, why it did not become a best practice model. Mouchot and the solar cooker Here, a fictive dispute between Democritus and Plato shall represent the counterpart
twice the chance to report a new discovery, which, when reported by their adversaries, won those a Nobel Prize. In 1935, their accurate observation skills finally earned them a Nobel Prize of their own, [...] answers and (new) questions. He wonders, whether there is something like a superior principle. Dalton and the atoms What would be a suitable model to describe the likeness of an atom? Rutherford's experimental [...] Atoms Listen Here, a fictive dispute between Democritus and Plato shall represent the counterpart images in the antiquities on the composition of matter. It is remarkable, that Democritus, whose idea on
this challenge, had a bad reputation at that time. Rumford and nutrition "The notorious scurvy" is maybe the best-known illness from which seamen of all times suffered. James Lind, a ship's doctor, was [...] was able to find the cause of the scurvy by employing a highly systematic approach: a comparative, experimentally-based study on his patients. More details can be found in the narration Lind and scurvy When [...] not eat anymore, Justus von Liebig made the attempt to produce a meat extract which she could drink instead of eating the meat. The result is a precursor to modern bouillon cubes. Liebig and nutrition The
not eat anymore, Justus von Liebig made the attempt to produce a meat extract which she could drink instead of eating the meat. The result is a precursor to modern bouillon cubes. Liebig and nutrition [...] Energy Listen What is the nature of heat – is it a substance or infinitesimal movement of matter? Among others, the Bavarian War Minister Benjamin Thompson, later known as Count Rumford, found an answer [...] of the first solar powered cookstove and the political and economical reasons, why it did not become a best practice model. Mouchot and the solar cooker When Emma Muspratt, daughter of one of Liebig's friends