robotników. a) b) Rys. 1a) Hermann von Helmholtz (1821 – 1894) Rys. 1b) Max Rubner (1854 – 1932) Znalezienie matematycznej równowagi między zasobami a dobrami, a także pomiędzy pożywieniem a obciążeniem [...] procesach chemicznych było kluczowym punktem zainteresowań francuskich naukowców, Simon’a Laplace’a i Antoine’a Lavoisier’a. Wynaleźli oni kalorymetr wodno-lodowy, zaawansowane urządzenie służące do określania [...] przez Hermanna von Helmholtza1 (Rys. 1a) w 1847 roku. Z punktu widzenia fizjologii, prawa zachowania energii oraz konwersji energii stoją obok eksperymentów Max’a Rubner’a (Rys. 1b), który zmierzył energię
within a short time, a substitute was needed when these had been consumed. A cure for scurvy was not found until the 18th cen- tury when a Scottish physician named James Lind (1736 – 1812) found a treatment [...] perimental setup used. It shows Santorio sitting on a scale (a so-called weighing chair) and a table with cut- lery and dishes next to him. Over a period of some 30 years, he documented the weight of [...] curative effects by administering a dose of the beriberi vitamin to birds suffering from beriberi. A minute dose of 40 milligrams was sufficient to cure a pigeon in a very short time, and it also prevented
odkrycia i dokonywały się przemiany w wielu dziedzinach życia. Przemiany społeczne w czasach nowożytnych, a w szczególności te dokonujące się w okresie Baroku, zaowocowały wzrostem zainteresowania zjawiskami [...] szlachetne, perły, przy czym wartość tych przedmiotów polegała na unikatowym charakterze ich tworzywa, a nie na stopniu ich przetworzenia. Swoje miejsce w tych gabinetach znalazły ponadto takie przedmioty [...] wcześniej. Na tej podstawie można przypuszczać, że tylko niewiele osób zajmowało się obserwacją owadów a w szczególności owadów holometabolicznych. Dopiero w połowie XVII wieku daje się zauważyć wzrost publikacji
least by Kirchers ‘China Illustrata’. This book contains a colorful description of China and its culture. From a modern point of view, the picture was a quite distorted one. As Kircher had only written rec- [...] not come as a surprise.2 Often, artifacts passed through many hands before they were integrated in a collection. This opened the door for errors and frauds that may look quite bizarre from a modern viewpoint [...] Merian visited such a breeding station. Later she was always inter- ested in an alternative to the silkworm.5 On the other hand she was the daughter of a famous engraver and got a professional train- ing
two two-dmensional images, only slightly different from one another, could procure a three-dimensional impression in a spectator. With the advances in the new field of photography yet to come, these images [...] The stereoscope in our collection is made of wood with a slit on the side to insert the image pairs. For images printed on cardboard, aflap with a mirror mounted to the inside can be opened to improve [...] images painted or printed on glass plates can also be inserted, the rear side of the stereoscope has a pane of translucent glass for ample illumination. The keen interest in Brewster stereoscopes lessened
aperture, shutter speed and ISO, a camera with manual and semi- auto modes (M, A, S, P) will be required (DSLR, system (MFT) or bridge camera). Page 2 of 3 However, a smartphone camera with additional [...] lecturer, students must be able to (a) choose a Journalism type (Print, Photo, Radio or Video), and to (b) choose their own topic of investigation. Please write and send first a draft of your project exposé (see [...] Flensburg B.A. European Cultures & Society – EUCS Dr. Charles Nouledo charles.nouledo@uni-flensburg.de Version: September 2019 Page 1 of 3 GUIDELINES FOR AUTONOMOUS PROJECTS JOURNALISM A – Important notes:
correct? Someone could build him a metal sphere… he had to try this; he had a feeling that he had come very close to a solution. He ordered the smith to manufacture him a big metal sphere. The sphere arrived [...] ricke (1602-1686), was convinced that there has to be a void of air in a room if one releases air or water of it. At first he tried to pump water out of a wooden barrel, but without results. The Vessels soon [...] Guericke (1602-1686), was convinced that there has to be a void of air in a room if one releases air or water of it. At first he tried to pump water out of a wooden barrel, but without results. The Vessels soon
disorders in a way that is suitable for young people and at the same time support self-directed prevention in the context of teaching self-compassion? As part of the "glückl ich " project, a teaching unit [...] units of 90 minutes each, the further training for teachers is designed as a single event with a length of 120 minutes. To evaluate the project, questionnaires are being developed for both learners and teachers [...] glücklich Listen “As part of the “glücklich” project, a teaching curriculum for pupils in grades 8 to 10 (2 units of 90 minutes each) and further training for teachers (one event of 120 minutes each) are
Bereich, insbesondere auf dem Feld des International Management, der European Studies (mit B.A.- und M.A.-Programm) sowie im Bereich der Energie-, Umwelt- und Transfor- mationsforschung; mehrere Stud [...] Schleswig-Holstein bildet die Europa-Universität Flensburg, aufbauend auf dem grundständigen polyvalenten B.A. „Bildungswissenschaften“, auf Master-Ebene (Master of Education – M.Ed.) für das Lehramt an Grundschulen [...] t umfasst knapp 23 Mio. €, hinzu kommen Programmtitel (Hochschulpakt, Professorinnenprogramm II u. ä.), Drittmittel sowie Rücklagen. Das Drittmittelaufkommen aus kompetitiver Forschungsakquise ist mit