Büttner, C./ Esterl, K./ Cußmann, I./ Epia Realpe, C. A./ Amme, J./ Nadal, A. (2024): Influence of flexibility options on the German transmission grid — A sector-coupled mid-term scenario. Renewable and S [...] es- @ uni-flensburg.de Building Gebäude Vilnius 1 Room VIL 108 Street Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 4a Post code / City 24943 Flensburg ORCID 0009-0003-4903-3348 Institutions Name Abteilung für Nachhaltige [...] 100082. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rset.2024.100082 Büttner, C./ Amme, J./ Endres, J./ Malla, A./ Schachler, B./ Cußmann, I. (2022): Open modeling of electricity and heat demand curves for all residential
es- @ uni-flensburg.de Building Gebäude Vilnius 1 Room VIL 110 Street Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 4a Post code / City 24943 Flensburg Institutions Name Abteilung für Nachhaltige Energiewende Position [...] g tasks. Until 2019, Georg studied informatics at the Technical University of Ilmenau and was then a research assistant in the "data-intensive-systems-and-visualization-group" for the research project
about a song, make a phone call or describe a statistic. You will also learn to understand and give advice, give a mini presentation, introduce a tourist attraction, submit a complaint, describe a picture [...] example, you will learn to understand a newspaper article or radio feature, to take notes during a presentation, or to write a contribution in a forum (opinion). A language course thrives on people meeting [...] events. You will also learn to describe a daily routine, understand job advertisements, talk about clothes, talk to a doctor, give directions or write a postcard. A language course thrives on people meeting
communication activities for a business environment. Literature Bitte haben Sie das folgende Lehrwerk zum ersten Kurstermin vorliegen: Handford, M, Lisboa, M, Koester, A, & Pitt, A. (2011). Business Advantage [...] at German universities be addressed correctly? What does a formal e-mail at the university look like? How do I prepare a conversation with a lecturer if I want to discuss the subject of my term paper [...] course for students with a B1-C1 English level proficiency who want to focus on the grammar necessary for the effective writing of academic texts. Content: The course begins with a review of verb tense use
question words. The course then focuses on understanding a radio report, giving a mini-presentation, writing and correcting a story, describing a picture, talking about proverbs etc. The course takes place [...] question words. The course then focuses on understanding a radio report, giving a mini-presentation, writing and correcting a story, describing a picture, talking about proverbs etc. The course takes place [...] sly and fluently and thus hold a normal conversation with a native speaker; actively participate in a discussion in familiar situations, justify and defend views; give a clear and detailed account on many
alors amené.e.s à développer une argumentation construite, cohérente et détaillée et à la présenter de manière claire et méthodique, à décrire des expériences et à participer activement à une discussion [...] seulement au personnel administratif et enseignant, mais aussi à tou·te·s les étudiant.e.s de l’Université de Flensburg ayant acquis le niveau A1 et souhaitant développer leurs savoirs, leur savoir-faire et [...] participants can receive a graded certificate of achievement (incoming students receive 3 ETCS points) if they have completed the course and successfully passed the test. Only a certificate of achievement
eIncludingDashes- @ uni-flensburg.de Building Gebäude Helsinki Room HEL 006 Street Auf dem Campus 1a Post code / City 24943 Flensburg Anja Bohm Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen sprachen -PleaseRemov [...] eIncludingDashes- @ uni-flensburg.de Building Gebäude Helsinki Room HEL 006 Street Auf dem Campus 1a Post code / City 24943 Flensburg Show details Katrin Stamm katrin.stamm -PleaseRemoveIncludingDashes- [...] eIncludingDashes- @ uni-flensburg.de Building Gebäude Helsinki Room HEL 017 Street Auf dem Campus 1a Post code / City 24943 Flensburg Olga Kim-Wtorow olga.kim-wtorow -PleaseRemoveIncludingDashes- @ un
Description This course is offered to all EUF employees who have little previous knowledge of Danish. In a relaxed atmosphere, we focus on simple conversation, basic grammar and building up an initial vocabulary [...] Vi glæder os til at se dig. Literature Wir arbeiten mit folgendem Lehrwerk: Vi snakkes ved! aktuell A1+, Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch + Audio-CD, ISBN 978-3-19-105379-6 Registration Samtale course (B1/B2/C1) [...] HEL 162 Lecturers Irene Christiansen Description Kurset henvender sig til alle, der er øvede (min. A2 niveau) og vil øge deres formuleringsevner. I kurset vil vi i en afslappet atmosfære koncentrere os
Russian course A 1.2 builds on the content of the basic course A1.1. Thus, the course is suitable for Russian learners who have participated in the A1.1 course or have prior knowledge at A1.1 level. Active [...] acquire the following textbook before the start of the course: MOCT neu (A1-A2), Lehrbuch + MP3-CD: ISBN 978-3-12-527648-2 MOCT neu (A1-A2), Übungsbuch + MP3-CD: ISBN 978-3-12-527649-9 Registration Unfortunately [...] participants will complete the second sub-level (A1.2) according to the European Framework of Reference in one semester. During the course you will create a portfolio, which, among other things, will document
group: The course Finnish A1.1 is suitable for participants with no previous knowledge of Finnish. Course content: The main focus of the course is to give the participants a basic knowledge of the Finnish [...] Finnish Listen Finnish A1.1 - HYBRID Lecture number 042032k Semester Spring semester 2024 Type Language course Registration deadline 03/24/2024 Maximum number of participants 18 Events Day Time Recurrence [...] Finnish language and an insight into the culture of the country. Topics of the course A1.1 are greetings and introductions/ asking for help if you don't understand something/ asking how you are/ asking for