Transformative School Development and School Consulting with Focus Emotional and Social Learning

This long-term project is conceptualized as research cooperation with selected schools in Germany. It started with three schools in the city of Munich, in 2014, schools which needed new perspectives for dealing with the increasing challenges in the emotional and social behavior of their students.


School Consulting, School Culture Development, Concept Development in Cooperation with Schools, Emotional and Social Learning in Schools
01.06.2014 - 31.12.2030
Institution der EUF
Abteilung Pädagogik und Didaktik zur Förderung der emotionalen und sozialen Entwicklung


This long-term project is conceptualized as research cooperation with selected schools in Germany. It started with three schools in the city of Munich, in 2014, schools which needed new perspectives for dealing with the increasing challenges in the emotional and social behavior of their students.

Research cooperation with selected inclusive schools


Stadtteilschule Hamburg-Mitte

Review of concepts (focus: School-wide PBIS); development and implementation of an own school-wide educational concept (started 2021)


Partnerinnen und Partner


Landesmittel Schleswig-Holstein

Eigenmittel und Mittel von Schulstiftungen