Career Prospects

This Bachelor offers students the technical and methodical knowledge to either immediately pursue a career in a growing labor market, demanding for well qualified professionals with an insight into European specific issues, or to enroll in a master's program.

As this program is interdisciplinary, so are the opportunities it brings and fields of work. From government to non-government organizations (NGOs), in the university or internationally, many career paths are possible. With that, the ability to specialize and create connections already within the program empowers students to strengthen their own experiences and to produce a path of their own, ending with a career more suited to their personal interests. Job opportunities can then be found in a wide range of governmental, non-governmental (NGOs) or international organizations, small and medium enterprises, theaters, museums, newspapers and other art and media related institutions, both in the traditional form or in new media formats.

For example:

  • Associations, NGOs, International NGOs
  • Exhibition design and management
  • Museum pedagogy and catalog editing
  • Public work
  • Services related to Europe (agency, consultancy, application services etc.)
  • Political education / Adult education
  • Political consultancy or management assistance in companies
  • Conversion and transformation processes
  • Culture and languages intermediation
  • Journalism (journalism schools, traineeship)

As a subsequent course of studies, the following programs are available at the Europa-Universität Flensburg:


Considering that the B.A. EUCS is highly interdisciplinary, it enables students to mold and shape the program to their preferences to create an outcome best fit for them. Here are some examples of career possibilities that can be achieved from this bachelor:

The reporter is a student who is interested in the world and how people receive news.

Students can choose to specialize in either European Cultures or European Society.

If they choose to focus on Cultures, they learn how to understand and interpret facts from a cultural perspective: the way they are presented (scenography/media), the way they cross borders, the impact of language, religion and science in the way these facts are interpreted, etc.

If they choose to focus on Society, these same facts are framed in a sociological, economic, philosophical, environmental, or geographic context, for example.

In parallel, students are asked to do journalism projects, if that is the project of their choice. They are given the journalistic framework of how media works, how to write an article, how to do a radio broadcast, etc. They are asked to bring their previous focus knowledge to practice as a journalist.

Then students can go on to do an internship connected to media and either complete a Master's program in Media or Journalism and then start a career as a journalist.

A certain student can be very interested, methodical, and organized, and come to the B.A. EUCS to find a future career path.

The students can, for example, learn about politics, education, economy, institutions of art, sociology and culture... Because the program is interdisciplinary, students are always put in contact with subjects which are more culturally oriented or more social and economic. But they are in contact with what they like and can decide to frame their career prospects.

If the student chooses to do a project connected to Entrepreneurship, there is the possibility for the student to be creative, think about their specific preferences and create a company to explore those preferences.

If the student chooses to do a project related to Art & Scenography, there are all the possibilities to work in galleries, museums, organize exhibitions, shows, etc.

And if the student decides to get a taste of both, then the student can choose to start a business organizing events, managing a venue, doing projects with children, etc.

The student likes to investigate, to read, to discover new things and to give an opinion on those things. The student really appreciates the interdisciplinarity of the program because it allows for an understanding of the world from different perspectives and with different connections.

This student decides to focus their time on researching. Not only is the student happy with the Research Methods subjects offered in the study program, but there is a constant thirst for knowledge, reading, discovering new things and making their own assessments.

And so the student completes all the tasks in the study program, does extra research, chooses a favorite Master's and goes on to complete a PhD. In the end, the student wants to do research, work in a university abroad or in Germany, work in several research projects, and in the end the student might even have the interest to become a professor and publish books with the results of their experienced research...

The student doesn't know exactly what to do in the future but is really interested in the fact that the study program foresees a semester abroad and that a considerable part of the other students come from all over the world.

This student likes learning about different cultures and hearing about different experiences. The chosen specialization and project can be anything because they all allow for the student to work in an intercultural context, which is exactly what the student is looking for. Either in a non-governmental organization, in an international company, in politics, none of that matters, just as long as the student is in constant contact with different input and culturally diverse colleagues.

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