Dr.Paola Andrea Yanguas Parra
@tu-berlin.de - Straße
- Auf dem Campus 1
- PLZ / Stadt
- 24943 Flensburg
- Name
- Abteilung Energie- und Umweltmanagement
- Funktion
- Gastwissenschaftlerin
Europa-Universität Flensburg
Energie- und Umweltmanagement
z.H. Paola A. Yanguas Parra
Auf dem Campus 1b
24943 Flensburg
Paola Yanguas-Parra ist Doktorandin der CoalExit-Gruppe an der Technischen Universität Berlin. Ihre Promotion konzentriert sich auf internationale Kohlemärkte, deren Dynamik und die Folgen dieser Dynamik in Ländern und Regionen, die stark vom groß angelegten Kohlebergbau abhängig sind. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf makroökonomischen und fiskalischen Implikationen und insbesondere auf Lösungen und Strategien für die wirtschaftliche und soziale Umstrukturierung. Sie ist Kolumbianerin und ausgebildete Ökonomin. Vor ihrer Promotion absolvierte Paola einen Master-Abschluss in Public Policy und arbeitete 5 Jahre in einem Forschungsinstitut, das internationale und nationale Klima- (insbesondere Minderungs-) und Energiepolitik analysierte.
Wissenschaftliche Artikel in referierten Zeitschriften
- Yanguas Parra, P./ Malz, N./ Oei, P.-Y./ Furnaro, A./ Hauenstein, C./ Quiceno, G./ Corral Montoya, F./ Mitterecker, T./ Hanto, J. (2023): Perspective: How a short-term relapse to coal could put exporting countries and just transition processes at risk. Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.102989
- Malz, N./ Corral Montoya, F./ Yanguas Parra, P./ Oei, P.-Y. (2023): China’s climate and energy policy paradox revisited – domestic and international implications of a carbon lock-in ‘with Chinese characteristics’. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, Vol. 18. https://doi.org/10.1080/15567249.2023.2166164
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A, Arond, E., Strambo, C., Araujo Vega, J., El ocaso del sector carbón y la necesidad de una transición justa en Colombia: de la negación a la acción. Stockhold Environment Institure Report. Nov 2021.
- Pardo Becerra, A., Cardoso Diaz, A., Corral Montoya, F., Yanguas-Parra, P. A., Cajamarca, L., Hacia una transición amplia, sostenible y democrática. Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Forthcoming. Chapter 4. (2021)
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A , Hauenstein,C., Oei, P.Y., The death valley of coal – Modelling COVID-19 recovery scenarios for steam coal markets, Applied Energy, Special Issue COVID-19 impacts on Energy and the Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116564 (2021)
- Kriegler, E., Gulde, R., Colell, A., von Hirschhausen, C., Minx, J., Oei, P.Y., Yanguas-Parra, P. A , Phasing out fossil fuels – How to achieve a just transition? – Background paper for the Forum Climate Economics (2020)
- Colell, A., Kriegler, E., Gulde, R., Klepper, G., von Hirschhausen,Yanguas-Parra, P. A , C., Minx, J., Oei, P.Y., Fossil fuel phase-out and just transition. Position Paper, 7th Forum on Climate Economics. (2020)
- Geiges, A., Nauels, A., Yanguas-Parra, P. A , Andrijevic,M., Hare, B., Scheffer, M., Schleussner, K., Incremental improvements of 2030 targets insufficient to achieve the Paris Agreement goals, Energy System Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-11-697-2020 (2020)
- Oei, P.Y., Yanguas-Parra, P. A , Hauenstein,C., COVID-19 - Final Straw or Deathblow for a Global Coal Industry at the Verge of Collapse, IAEE COVID-19 Special Issue 2020, Issn 1944-3188 (2020)
- Geiges, A., Yanguas-Parra, P. A, Andrijevic, M., Hare, W., Nauels, A., Pfleiderer, P., Schaeffer, M., and Schleussner, C.-F.: Incremental improvements of 2030 targets insufficient to achieve the Paris Agreement goals., Earth System Dynamics, doi.org/10.5194/esd-2019-54, forthcoming.
- Kuramochi, T./ Höhne, N./ Blok, K. / Schaeffer, M./ Cantzler, J./ Hare, W./ Deng, Y./ Sterl, S./ Hagemann, M./ Rocha, M./ Yanguas-Parra, P. A./ Wong, L. (2017): Ten key short-term sectoral benchmarks to limit warming to 1.5°C, Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2017.1397495.
Forschungsstudien, Policy Briefings und Berichte (Auswahl)
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A /Ganti, G./Fuentes Hutfilter, U./ Sferra, F./ Nauels, A., Hare, W./ Schaeffer, M. (2019): For climate's sake: coal-free by 2030: Rationale and timing of coal phase-out in Australia under the Paris Agreement. Download-Link.
- Geiges, A./ Yanguas-Parra, P. A / Fyson, C./ Günther, A./ Hare, W./ Schaeffer, M./ Fuentes Hutfilter, U.(2019): How can Paris Agreement commitments be improved now to close the gap to 1.5°C.
- Achakulwisut, P./ Kartha, S./ Lazarus, M. / Hare, W./ Yanguas-Parra, P. A./ Schaeffer, M./ Schaeffer, R. (2019): The Production Gap: The discrepancy between countries’ planned fossil fuel production and global production levels consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C or 2°C. Chapters 2 and 4. Download-Link.
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A / Ganti, G./ Brecha, R./ Hare, W./ Schaeffer, M.(2019): Global and regional coal phase-out requirements of the Paris Agreement: Insights from the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C. Download-Link.
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A./ Hare, W./ Fuentes Hutfilter, U./ Roming, N.(2019): Evaluating the significance of Australia’s global fossil fuel carbon footprint. Download-Link.
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A./ Okubo, Y./ Roming, N./ Fuentes Hutfilter, U./ Sferra, F./ Schaeffer, M./ Hare, W. (2018): Science based coal phase-out timeline for Japan - Implications for policymakers and investors. Download-Link.
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A./ Fuentes Hutfilter, U./ Roming, N./ Zimmer, A./ Sferra, F./ Aboumahboub, T./ Schaeffer, M./ Hare, W.(2018): Science Based Coal Phase-out Pathway For Germany in Line with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C Warming Limit: Opportunities and Benefits of an Accelerated Energy Transition. Download-Link.
- Steckel, J. C./ Garg, A./ Burton, J./ Friedmann, J./ Jotzo, F./ Luderer, G./ Yanguas-Parra, P. A./ Schaeffer, M. (2017): UNEP Emissions GAP Report 2017- Chapter 5. Download-Link.
- Hare, B./ Ancygier, A./ De Marez, L./ Yanguas-Parra, P. A. (2017): Facilitating Global Transition: The Role of Nationally Determined Contributions in Meeting the Long-Term Temperature Goal of the Paris Agreement, NDC Partnership Publication. Download-Link.
- Schaeffer, M./ Ancygier, A./ Hare, W./ Roaming , N./ Yanguas-Parra, P. A./ Deryng, D./ Melkie, M./ Fyson, C. / Höhne, N./ Sterl, S./ Fekete, H./ Deng, Y./ Blok, K./ Petersdorff, C./ Hsu, A./Weinfurter, A./ Rosengarten, C (2017): 2020 The climate turning point. Download-Link.
- Rocha, M./ Roming, N./ Yanguas-Parra, P. A./ Ancygier, A./ Sferra, F./ Ural, U./ Schaeffer, M./ Hare, W. (2017): A stress test for coal in Europe under the Paris Agreement - Scientific goalposts for a coordinated phase-out and divestment. Download-Link.
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A (16/10/2019): Analytical approaches to regional transformation / Coal phase-out: alternatives and solutions. 6th Working Group Meetings of the Platform for Coal Regions in Transition, Brussels (Belgium).
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A (25/09/2019): How countries can improve their climate pledges and close the gap to 1.5°C. Climate Analytics event at New York Climate Week 2019, New York City (USA).
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A (04/09/2019): Global outlook of the energy transition and the coal power sector. Asia-Pacific Roundtable on Energy Transition & Coal Phase-Out, Chungnam (South Korea).
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A (27/02/2019): Coal transitions scenarios in Japan. Symposium on a just coal transition in South Africa, Cape Town (South Africa).
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A (24/09/2018): Implications of natural gas extraction in Western Australia for achieving climate targets. 2nd Conference on Fossil Fuel Supply & Climate Policy. (Video available - min 47). Oxford (UK).
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A (29/05/2018): Symposium on phase-out of coal power stations in Japan. (video available) Tokyo (Japan).
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A (15/03/2018): Future Development of the Energy Sector in Romania and Balkan Region: coal phase-out and the Paris Agreement. REPOMs Energy Day. Brasov (Rumania).
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A (09/02/2017): A stress test for coal in Europe under the Paris Agreement. Brussels (Belgium).