Vortrag beim Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers in Washington D.C.


Holger Jahnke hielt einen Vortrag zum Thema "Transformation of schooling in rural areas – Educational provision for new migrants in the German-Danish border region" bei dem Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers in Washington D.C.


In many peripheral areas, the existence of public educational provision is threatened by demographic decline and consequently shrinking numbers of pupils. As a reaction many states withdraw from their obligation to locally provide adequate educational offers, by shifting the responsibility from the national to the local level. As a consequence many public schools have been closed or taken over by non-state school providers, private companies or parents’ asscociations, eventually leading to a privatization of educational provision in rural areas.

The arrival of new migrants in Europe since 2015 has interrupted the demographic decline in many peripheral municipalities. At the same time a new demand for educational offers has been created – especially language and integration courses. Even though the participation in these courses is usually imposed by the state, they are not provided by the national education systems, but by non-state educational providers, non-governmental organizations, private associations or local volunteers.

In the presentation we will analyze how the arrival of refugees in rural areas and the mobilization of new non-state actors and volunteers has impacted on the existing educational landscapes in rural areas in the German-Danish border region. Methodologically we apply a comparative perspective on two municipalities on both sides of the border in the context of their respective national regulations and multilevel governance structures.
The paper is part of a broader research project which focusses on the access to education and participation opportunities for young refugees in rural border regions in Germany and Denmark.

Der Vortrag war einer von vier in der Session "Education, Privatization, and Segregation". Neben dem deutsch-dänischen ländlichen Grenzraum beleuchteten die Beiträge Privatisierungsprozesse in den Bildungssystemen Frankreichs (David Giband), des Libanons (Kevin Mary) und in den USA (Nora Nafaa). Es wurden unterschiedliche räumliche Kontaxte sowie Perspektiven in den Blick genommen. Mit dem Fokus auf junge Geflüchtete konnte Holger Jahnkes Vortrag die Session um eine spezifische Akteursperspektive ergänzen und die Besonderheiten ländlicher Räume in Bezug auf Bildungslandschaften in den Blick rücken.

Die fünftägige Konferenz der American Association of Geographers brachte über 7000 Geograph_innen aus der ganzen Welt in Washington D.C. zusammen. In über 6000 Vorträgen, Workshops und anderen Formaten wurden Themen aus allen Bereichen der Geographie diskutiert, darunter auch Fragen hinsichtlich Migration und Bildung.