Hope & Despair
The German-Danish cooperation project “Hope & Despair” will bring seven World War II museums, memorial sites and tourist agencies as well as three universities together to align communication and attract national and international visitors. The EUF team of researchers will contribute to thematic “experience packages” by tying the stories of seven geographically close museums. The project will begin in May 2023 and will run for three years. It is supported by Interreg 6A Deutschland-Danmark with a total of around 2 Mio Euros.
Weitere Informationen: https://www.interreg-de-dk.eu/news-events/news/detail/3-neue-projekte-fuer-eine-attraktive-region/
- Stichworte
- World War II, Erinnerungskultur, Tourismus
- Laufzeit
- 01.05.2023 - 30.04.2026
- Institution der EUF
- Interdisziplinäres Europaforschungszentrum (ICES)
Prof. Dr.Hedwig Wagner
- Telefon
- +49 461 805 2623
@uni-flensburg.de - Gebäude
- Gebäude Riga 4
- Raum
- RIG 407
- Straße
- Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2d
- PLZ / Stadt
- 24943 Flensburg
Interreg 6A Deutschland-Danmark