Gender inequalities across Europe and the relevance of social media
The project will explore the importance of social media platforms for public debates on gender equality policies. By looking at various platforms, different gender equality issues and across different countries, the main goal is to map the research field, identify current gaps and challenges in conducting such empirical research. The study shall help to understand which individual and collective actors - in the area of gender equality policies - are actually present on social media platforms and to what extent do they use these platforms for self-representation, mobilizing, connecting with like-minded actors or sharing information.
- Stichworte
- Gender inequalities, social media platforms, gender equality issues
- Laufzeit
- 01.03.2023 - 31.07.2023
- Institution der EUF
- Interdisziplinäres Europaforschungszentrum (ICES)
Dr.Stefan Wallaschek
- Telefon
- +49 461 805 2707
stefan.wallaschek-TextEinschliesslichBindestricheBitteEntfernen- - Gebäude
- Gebäude Riga 6
- Raum
- RIG 607
- Straße
- Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2f
- PLZ / Stadt
- 24943 Flensburg
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg (YAF-Programm)