International Online Maths Camps


Join with students and mathematicians from different countries for some interesting mathematics and cultural exchanges. If you have questions, please contact Michael Schmitz or Hinrich Lorenzen.

Upcoming International Maths Camp on 21st and 28th September 2024

The next International online Maths Camp between Australia, Wales, and Germany will be on Saturday, 21st September and Saturday, 28th September 2024.

Preliminary times (for both sessions):

05:30pm - 7:00pm Australian time

09:00am - 10:30am Welsh time

10:00am - 11:30am German time

The first session (21st Sept) will be lead by Dr. Ian Roberts (Charles Darwin University, Australia), the second session (28th Sept)will be lead by Dr. Sofya Lykhova (Swansea University, Wales). Please register online via the link below (one registration for both sessions). After registration you will receive further details via email. The meeting platform will be Webex. The meeting link and everything else (material etc.) also comes via email shortly before the first session. 

Online Registration for the International Online Maths Camps on 21st and 28th September 2024

Previous Camps

Upcoming International Online Maths Camp on 15th and 29th June 2024

The next International Online Maths Camp between Germany and USA will take place on 15th and 29th June 2024.

Please register online via the link below.

The local times will be 9am US Central Time, which is 4pm German time. There will be one session of about 2 hours on each of the dates. The first session (15th June) will be led by Dr. PJ Couch (Lamar University), the topic is "Mad Vet World".  The meeting tool will be Webex. It is best (but not necessary) to install the Webex App in advance.

Upcoming International Online Maths Camp on November 10/11 for Australia and USA

The next International online Maths Camp will be led by Dr. Braxton Carrigan (Southern Connecticut State University) on November 10/11. The topic will be Skolem labelings, abstract below. Because of the time zones this session is mainly thought for students from Australia and the US, but anyone from Europe who is keen enough to get up late at night for some interesting maths is welcome! Here are the local times: 

US Eastern Time Friday, November 10, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
US Central Time (Alabama, Texas) Friday, November 10, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
AEST (Sydney, Canberra) Saturday, November 11, 9:30 am
EST (Brisbane) Saturday, November 11, 8:30 am
Darwin Saturday, November 11, 8:00 am
Germany Friday, November 10, 23:30
Wales Friday, November 10, 22:30

Abstract: Skolem World will explore the ideas of positive integer labeling in two settings, according to rules that will be defined by distance. We will begin with exploring some examples of integer sequences and progress by abstracting our process to labeling graphs. None of the structures we explore require any previous knowledge or work in these areas. The problems are visual and accessible. The World leaders are both located in the U.S.A. Dr. PJ Couch is a research mathematician in Texas and Dr. Braxton Carrigan is a research mathematician in Connecticut. The World will end with a chance to explore some related open problems.

Worksheet for Skolem World

International Online Maths Camp on 14th and 28th October 2023

The next International Online Maths Camp will start very soon! Please register below to get the meeting link. The dates and times are:

Saturday, 14th October 2023:  Saturday, 28th October 2023: 

Wales: 8:00 am -- 11:00 am

Germany: 9:00 am -- 12:00 am

Darwin: 4:30 pm -- 7:30 pm

Canberra: 6:00 pm -- 9:00 pm

Wales: 8:00 am -- 11:00 am

Germany: 9:00 am -- 12:00 am

Darwin: 4:30 pm -- 7:30 pm

Canberra: 6:00 pm -- 9:00 pm

Abstract for October 28: Marginal Analysis World on Saturday October 28th has two parts, to allow us to explore one maths topic in more depth, and to see the many different ways that it can be considered. No preparation is required but we will refer to Pascal's Triangle (and triangular numbers, and the `hockey stick') and Catalan numbers). Some notes on these will be provided for easy reference. Pascal's triangle is related to binomials. Binomials, functions and calculus will be referred to but you do not need to have prior knowledge of them. If you have studied these topics then some of the ideas considered in the World will be more meaningful. The World leaders are both Australian.  Dr Ian Roberts is a research mathematician and Elizabeth Barker is a year 12 student and a prior participant at IoMC events. If there is interest, then we might run some shorter but regular sessions on this particular topic.

To the participants of Marginal Analysis World October 28 2023: The World has 2 parts. Part 1 should be understandable by everyone. Part 2 offers a chance to choose your level of difficulty. You might like to have pencil and paper handy so you can play with ideas. There are two files that it is suggested to download to have open and available at the World. You do not need to do this but it will be helpful if you do have it available. It is OK to look at the files before the World but it is not necessary to read or understand them before the World. The first file has problems to consider in Part 2 of the world. The second file is useful reference material and notes. This material is useful at the world,  but also as a guide to interesting maths things to know, learn or explore in the future on the web. The language used is a mix from different levels of maths and anything that is unknown will be explained as requested or required. The World is meant to be fun, informative, but challenging, with options on how much challenge you choose to undertake.


26.10.2023 109 KB (PDF)


26.10.2023 888 KB (PDF)

Online Mini Camp Session on Saturday, 8th July

There will be a special session led by Swedish and German university maths students on Saturday, 8th July for Australian and German students. Please register online below. You will receive further info and the meeting link via email after your registration. Here are the local times: 

German Time: 10:00 am

Australian Central Time (Darwin, Adelaide): 5:30 pm

Australian Eastern Time (Sydney, Canberra): 6:00 pm

Upcoming Follow-up Sessions

There will be some follow-up sessions (exact local times and details follow soon): 

Friday, 30th June/Saturday, 1st July: Extension session for Australia (Saturday, 1st July, morning) and USA (Friday, 30th June, afternoon); participants from Germany are welcome, but it will be late at night for you.

Saturday, 8th July: Mini Camp Session Germany, Sweden (morning), Australia (afternoon); participants from the US are welcome, but it will be late at night for you.

Friday, 14th June/Saturday, 15th July: Extension session for Australia (Saturday, 15th July, morning) and USA (Friday, 14th July, afternoon); participants from Germany are welcome, but it will be late at night for you.

Mini Online Camp Session on 24th June 2023

There was be a Mini Online Camp Session of about 90 minutes on 24th June. The local times are:

American Central Daylight Time: Saturday, 24th June, 9:00 am

German Time: Saturday, 24th June, 16:00

Australian Central Time (Darwin, Adelaide): Saturday, 24th June: 11:30 pm   

Australian Eastern Time (Sydney, Canberra): Sunday, 25th June: 0:00 am

Mini Online Camp Series June 2023

1. Session: Friday, 9th June/Saturday, 10th June: Counting with Binomials

Australien Central Time: 8:30am (10th June), Australian Eastern Time: 9:00am (10th June),

American Central daylight time: 6:00pm (9 th June),

Japan time: 8:00am (10th June), German time: 1:00am (night from 9th June to 10th June)

International Online Maths Camp in March 2023

Dateiname Kategorie Datum Größe / Typ
Code of Conduct 17.03.2023 153 KB (PDF)
Invitation (for German students) 13.03.2023 226 KB (PDF)
Maths Camp Notice (for all countries) 15.03.2023 192 KB (PDF)


Session 3 (Friday, March 31/Saturday, April 1): You can find the material for Graph Colouring World and for Decomposition Tree World below.

You can also find the solutions for Topology World and for SET-Game World below.

Material Downloads

Dateiname Kategorie Datum Größe / Typ
Geometry 25.03.2023 2 MB (PDF)
Material for Decomposition Tree World 31.03.2023 212 KB (PDF)
Material for Graph Colouring World 29.03.2023 133 KB (PDF)
Material for Session 3 Warmup 29.03.2023 88 KB (PDF)
Solutions for SET-Game World 29.03.2023 188 KB (PDF)
Solutions for Topology World 22.03.2023 269 KB (PDF)
Worksheets for SET-Game World 22.03.2023 183 KB (PDF)


Date   Participating Countries Local Times Topics
March 18 Europe (Germany, Spain, Wales) and USA

Germany and Spain: 16:00-19:00

Wales: 15:00-18:00

USA (Central Time): 10:00-13:00

World 1: Prof. Dr. Sofya Lyakhova: Topology

World 2: Prof. Dr. Uwe Leck, Felix Leck: Combinatorics

March 25 Europe (Germany, Spain, Wales) and Asia (Japan, Australia)

Germany,: 10:00-13:00

Wales: 9:00-12:00 

Japan: 18:00-21:00

Australia (NT): 18:30-21:30 

World 3: Dr. Michael Schmitz: SET Game World

World 4: Prof. Dr. Hinrich Lorenzen: Geometry

March 31/April 1 USA and Asia (Japan, Australia)

USA (Central Time): Friday, 31st March, 18:30-21:30 

Japan: Saturday, 1st April, 8:30-11:30

Darwin (Australia, NT): Saturday, 1st April, 9:00-12:00

Canberra (ACT): Saturday, 1st April, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

World 5: Prof. Dr. PJ Couch: Decomposition Tree World

World 6: Dr. Ian Roberts: Graph Colouring World