Historische Ansätze in Bildungswissenschaften

Die Geschichte der Physik bildet einen spezifischen und wiederholt propagierten Zugang zur physikalischen Erkenntnisvermittlung. Dabei können die Lernenden sowohl physikalische Kompetenzen entwickeln als auch Kenntnisse über Physik und ihre Arbeitsweise (nature of science) reflektieren. Eine Besonderheit des Flensburger Ansatzes (der in dieser Hinsicht in der Tradition der von Falk Rieß an der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg etablierten Gruppe steht) liegt in dem Versuch, historische Experimente im Rahmen eines derartigen Ansatzes nutzbar zu machen. Aktuell werden insbesondere Experimente, deren physikalischer Inhalt sie für den Einsatz in der Sekundarstufe I geeignet erscheinen lässt, analysiert und fachdidaktisch aufgearbeitet.

Hooke's harmonisches Universum - Dissertation von Sabina Muminovic

Hooke´s Law of Elasticity is a topic in almost every teaching program in physics in the lower secondary school. It is usually just mentioned in context with some school experiments (measurements), the introduction of measuring devices such as spring balance or everyday situations – but it is not really historically contextualized. A historical review of the development of this law and implementing in teaching would form an important option for lecturing this law. If we are enabled to show students through history and the experiences of the 17th century scientists how to determine a law by researching different areas, they are enabled to understand the connections better.

As a part of my PhD-Thesis I analyze the historical background of Hooke´s Law of elasticity, the ideas and experiments. I examine the historical context of his work, the different influences and motivations as well as Hooke´s relationship to the Royal Society of the 17th century.

Does Hook´s Law have something in common with Boyle´s Law? There is an ambiguity with Hooke´s claim in his work La Potentia Restitutiva in which he wrote that his "Law of Nature" was something that he discovered during his work on Micrographia. Was the experimental proof of Boyle´s Law actually the first hint for Hooke´s Law of elasticity? If so, what implications would result in an educational perspective?


Heering, P., & Höttecke, D. (2014). Historical-Investigative Approaches in Science Teaching. In M. R. Matthews (Ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching (Vol. 2, pp. 1473-1502). Dordrecht: Springer.

Heering, P. (2014). Historical Approaches in German Science Education. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 10(4), 229-235.

Heering, P. (2004): Historische Apparaturen und Experimente in der PhysiklehrerInnenausbildung, in: C. Hößle, D. Höttecke, E. Kircher (Hrsg.): Lehren und Lernen über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften. Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler, 58-70.

Heering, P. (2000): Getting Shocks: Teaching Secondary School Physics Through History, in: Science and Education 9: 363-373.

Beispiele für Fallstudien

Heering, P. (2015) Make–Keep–Use: Bringing Historical Instruments into the Classroom. Interchange, 46(1), 5-18

Asmussen, S., & Heering, P. (2014). Ein neuartiger Zugang zu Implementierung historischer Geräte und Experimente im Unterricht. http://www.phydid.de/index.php/phydid/article/view/430/Artikel%20430PhyDid A, 13(1), 1-10.

Heinicke, S., & Heering, P. (2013). Discovering Randomness, Recovering Expertise: The Different Approaches to the Quality in Measurement of Coulomb and Gauss and of Today’s Students. Science & Education, 22(3), 483-503. DOI 10.1007/s11191-011-9430-8

Heering, P., & Frercks, J. (2013). Historische Experimente in neuem Licht betrachtet. Teil 3: Die Messung der Lichtgeschwindigkeit. MNU, 66(8), 452-457.

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