Handreichung zur Barriere-Sensibilität in der Hochschullehre an der EUF

Diese vorliegende Handreichung für eine barriere-sensible digital-gestützte Lehre:

  • dient dazu, Ihre Lehre hin zu einem barriere-sensiblen (Blended-) Learning zu verändern.
  • ist hinsichtlich ihrer Umsetzung niedrigschwellig formuliert.
  • bietet Lösungsansätze und Optimierungshinweise für die in großen Teilen proaktive Berücksichtigung von barriere-sensiblem (Blended-) Learning.
Handreichung (Deutsch)

STUDYasU aims at developing adaptable, barrier-sensitive, digital teaching and learning scenarios that acknowledge and address heterogeneity and the individual needs of teachers and learners to which it gives rise. Through individual courses, we plan to develop and evaluate prototypical teaching and learning scenarios. Our preliminary results will allow us to derive process and model frameworks and, therefore, to transfer these prototypical learning scenarios to other university courses. STUDYasU is funded by Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.

Handreichung zur Barriere-Sensibilität in der Hochschullehre an der EUF

Handout (English)

STUDYasU aims at developing adaptable, barrier-sensitive, digital teaching and learning scenarios that acknowledge and address heterogeneity and the individual needs of teachers and learners to which it gives rise. Through individual courses, we plan to develop and evaluate prototypical teaching and learning scenarios. Our preliminary results will allow us to derive process and model frameworks and, therefore, to transfer these prototypical learning scenarios to other university courses. STUDYasU is funded by Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.

Handout on Barrier-sensitivity in University Teaching at the EUF