IT-Sicherheit an der Europa-Universität Flensburg Vorlesen Das Thema "IT-Sicherheit" wird in unserer immer stärker digitalisierten Arbeits- und Lebenswelt von Jahr zu Jahr wichtiger, aber auch komplex
preferred model for the analysis of non-standard metaphors in political rhetoric as deliberate or purposeful. This will be followed by more detailed analyses of competing metaphorical models conceptualising [...] different conceptual model of political elections. Moreover, the under- lying metaphors carry different implications, which in some cases even contradict those of competing models. However, it will be [...] exemplification of the metaphorical model elections as war, which represents a special case of the well-known conceptual metaphor politics as war. In the context of that model, political opponents figure as
Wasatia/ICES Lecture Series Autumn 23/24 Vorlesen Public and Online lectures with the Cooperation of ICES and the European Wasatia graduate school for Peace and Conflict Resolution: On Wednesdays in R
displaced in modern societies, as (s)he increasingly lives in less political, grounded and genuine-dialogue-based places. In the present hypermodern era, influenced by modernity and postmodernity, human beings
Marie Wollert Vorlesen Vita Thema Porträt-Kit Digital: audiovisuelle Lehrtools zur Vermittlung digitaler Porträtfotografie für Kunstlehrkräfte in der Sekundarstufe II "Im Rahmen der Dissertation wird
Jana Rosebrock Vorlesen Vita Thema Cultural Memory in African American Contemporary Film "The concept of memory has a great impact on what a society understands as its history and is thus crucial to t
Suat Orhan Vorlesen Vita Thema The Implications and Consequences of Immigration on the Economy: A Case Study on the Europein Far-Left Political Parties "The last two decades of Europein politics faced
inwiefern sie einen geeigneten Beitrag zur Bildungslandschaft leisten können. Ein wichtiges Ziel moderner Lehrpraxis besteht in der Bereitstellung differenzierter Texte, um individuellen Lernbedürfnissen
Irem Elbir Vorlesen Vita Irem Elbir received a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Public Administration and master’s degree in Media and Cultural Studies from Middle East Technical University
Ronja Bönsch Vorlesen Vita Thema Adoleszenz(literatur) und sozialer Wandel? - Transformative Potenziale neusachlicher Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der Weimarer Republik "Die Zeit der Weimarer Republik