approaches among the Italian and German academics. As a European Studie student with a political science background, listening to a presentation of a Law Professor from Neapels about the Nuclear Cold War [...] was presented. Autumn School in Villa Vigoni is not only a conference that puts participants in a passive listener position, rather it also gives a chance to demonstrate what has been learned and what we [...] Pamukel Vorlesen Three full amazing days in a Villa at the Lake Como. The Autumn School of "Which Europa After War(s)?" was an experience like no other. As a third-semester Master's student fromm Flensburg
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Mailbetrug durch Phishing Vorlesen Der Begriff Phishing beschreibt den betrügerischen Versuch, sich als vertrauenswürdiger Ansprechpartner auszugeben, um so an sensible Daten (persönliche, sowie diens
IT-Sicherheit an der Europa-Universität Flensburg Vorlesen Das Thema "IT-Sicherheit" wird in unserer immer stärker digitalisierten Arbeits- und Lebenswelt von Jahr zu Jahr wichtiger, aber auch komplex
elections as a lottery, and politics as a gambling game (Examples (3), (4)): (3) [CNN, 1/17/2018]New Mexico is no longer considered a toss-up state. (4) [CNN headline, 4/10/2018]Florida now a toss-up. Motivated [...] the election as a crossroads, we will analyse such alternative conceptualisations of the election as a lawsuit versus the election as a job interview, as exemplified in authentic discourse data from the [...] underlying conceptual model of swing states sees elections as a pendulum, and politics as a clockwork. The image-schematic idea is that of a kind of mechanism which is characterised by some regular motion
16:00 -18:00 pm Dr. Hermann Krog Creating Meaning of Life by Sharing Knowledge and Experience in a Network of a Community December 13th, 2023 16:00 -18:00 pm Professor David Marshall (University of Bern) The
places they live in. These times are also characterised by a crisis of democracy based on the lack of trust in the democratic institutions, a simultaneous excess of hybris and behaviourism, and instrumental [...] institutional dimension, whilst leaving out from their focus democracy as a way of life. On the other hand, phenomenology does provide a theoretical analysis of the lifeworld, its potentials and its limitations [...] placemaking. The aim of this work is to analyse three concrete settings from a political phenomenological lens in order to propose a guideline of material, human practices and meaning modifications to face
Marie Wollert Vorlesen Vita Thema Porträt-Kit Digital: audiovisuelle Lehrtools zur Vermittlung digitaler Porträtfotografie für Kunstlehrkräfte in der Sekundarstufe II "Im Rahmen der Dissertation wird
memory has a great impact on what a society understands as its history and is thus crucial to the formation of cultural identity. The question which parts of the past are remembered within a society and
Suat Orhan Vorlesen Vita Thema The Implications and Consequences of Immigration on the Economy: A Case Study on the Europein Far-Left Political Parties "The last two decades of Europein politics faced [...] the discourse and the landscape of the political arena. These ground-breaking developments lead to a surge of populist discourse on both the far-right and far-left politics, albeit on different levels [...] perceived cultural and economic threats, the far-left has been relatively quiet, failing to develop a coherent alternative vision; although inherently far-left politics relied on class-based and economy