Mensa, die eher einem Foodcourt in einem Shoppingcenter ähnelte! Hier gabs mehr als 10 Restaurants u.a. bekannte Ketten wie Subway, Juan Valdez und Dunkin Donuts. Für die Austauschstudenten gab es einen [...] habe ich beispielsweise meine WG für 900.000 Pesos im Stadtviertel El Poblado ca. 400m von der Uni entfernt gefunden. Die kolumbianichen Vermieter sind sehr unkompliziert und du kannst die
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en Verkehrsmittel nutzen, um zum Campus zu gelangen, außerdem sind die Zimmer recht klein mit ca 12m2. Dafür ist es aber auch näher an Tokyo gelegen, was man (je nach Stadtteil in den man möchte) in bis [...] Erlaubnis zur Veröffentlichung des Erfahrungsberichts gegeben haben. Foto (1) Foto (2) file_64272931f205a-img_20221119_125421.jpg Foto (3) file_64272945baafb-img_20221204_104207_1.jpg Foto (4) file_6427295
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did you prepare for the semester abroad? What should be organized in advance? I looked for a room/apartment a few months in advance, I applied for my residence permit 2-3 months before leaving, I looked [...] 50 euros (I bought it for 25 euros on Black Friday). It makes the traveling a lot cheaper. Also booking in advance will save a lot of money. Where did you live and how did you find your accommodation ( [...] course offer (workload etc.)? The university was a bit chaotic, the organization of choosing the classes was very stressful as the university does not have a specific page for the course offerings, you have
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die Entfernung zur Uni ist ca. die selbe. Foto (1) file_63ab4a9a084b1-whatsapp_image_2022-12-27_at_20.30.57.jpeg Foto (2) file_63ab4ac0a3f2a-whatsapp_image_2022-12-27_at_20.24.12_1.jpeg Foto (3) file_6 [...] 56.jpeg Foto (4) file_63ab4ae5d23d5-whatsapp_image_2022-12-27_at_20.24.12.jpeg Foto (5) file_63ab4afedd037-whatsapp_image_2022-12-27_at_20.27.03.jpeg Foto (6) file_63ab4b0d393a6-whatsapp_image_2022-12-27_at_20 [...] Valparaíso direkt am Ozean und wir haben häufig Beachvolleyball gespielt und sind schwimmen gegangen. 200m von der Universität entfernt gibt es kleine Outdoor-Fußballfelder, die man mieten kann und für 1 - 2
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How important was the language for your stay? I'm a Spanish native speaker. However, I'd highly recommend someone interested going to Spain to have a high level of Spanish, since most locals don't speak [...] beach or touristic areas. The locals seem to have a different lifestyle or approach to the place where they live. Enjoying a sunset at the beach, going for a walk/swim, discovering the island, all great adventures [...] changed - and why? I found out that Spain is a very diverse country. I came across people with different interests, habits and stories, including many with a migration background. On the other side, I did
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Was sollte bereits im Voraus organisiert werden? Ich habe an der EUF ein Semester den Kurs Norwegisch A1 belegt und musste mich bis Mai 2022 um die Bewerbung beim Studentenwohnheim in Bergen kümmern. Wie [...] gekommen (selbst gesucht/von Gasthochschule organisiert, Wohnheim/privat etc.)? Ich habe mir ein 17m² großes Zimmer (ein Hochbett, Küchenzeile, ein Tisch, zwei Stühle, kleines Bad) im Fantoft Wohnheim [...] ce-img-20221102-wa0084.jpg Foto (5) file_63ca52ddb0d52-img-20220907-wa0011.jpg Foto (6) file_63c979a9948b7-img-20221206-wa0019.jpg Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Beschreibungen/Erklärungen für die Fotos
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Living the Virtual: AI Aesthetics and Being Human in Digital Fashion, presentation at the workshop A.I. Aeshetics, CFUL, University Lisbon, Portugal (2023) Technology and Critical Theory, presentation [...] Phygital Fashion , NXS Amsterdam, Netherlands (2022) Self-Awareness in Technological Environments - A Tentative Approach to Perception in Virtual Realities, invited lecture at the international conference: [...] Varieties of Self- Awareness , Chinese University of Hong Kong, China (2022) Human-Machine Relations: A Phenomenology of Becoming, invited lecture in the research seminar of the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese
Art in Other Disciplines , Rowman & Littlefield. (2023) Technologies of Religion: From Prayer Bots to a Looming Singularity, in: Nathan Loewen and Agnieszka Rostalska (Eds.), Philosophy of Religion around [...] 2022, 2. (2022) Precarious Intercorporeality: Posthumanism and the Pandemic, in: Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research , 27-28. (2022) Rituals of Coexistence: Bodies and Technology in Times [...] losophie , Nomos, 53-68. (2020) Emergent Technologies between Phenomenology and Poststructuralism: A Methodological Question, in: Popular Inquiry 2020/2 , Vol. 8, 1-13. (2019) Körper, Zeichen und Listen:
Modern Philosophy of Time ). 04/01/2001-12/04/2004 M.A. ( Magister Artium) in Philosophy, German Studies, and Romance Studies at FSU Jena. Grade: Sehr gut (A). Academic Positions 01/01/2022-31/05/2022 Visiting [...] cheBitteEntfernen- @ Gebäude Gebäude Helsinki Raum HEL 134 Straße Auf dem Campus 1a PLZ / Stadt 24943 Flensburg Institutionen Name Philosophisches Seminar Funktion Wissenschaftliche M [...] University Taiyuan, China and teaches Philosophy at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, where she held a Juniorprofessorship (2010-2016). She has been awarded Senior Research Fellowships at two Institutes
leverage a social-ecological transformation. Attention will be paid both to the global extent and the German approach to climate change. The event is organized by the M.A. Transformation Studies and M. Eng [...] Excellence CLICCS (Climate, Climatic Change, and Society) has developed a systematic framework to analyze social and political drivers of a global transformation towards climate neutrality, and to assess which [...] The lecture will be held in English. The global shift towards climate neutrality has been passed as a political resolution and can be made feasible with technologically. However, this does not necessarily