Building identifier
AMS (Example: AMS 006)Short description
The Institute for Sports Science is located in the Amsterdam building.
Campusallee 2a
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
You will find the following facilities here:
- Institute for Sports Science
Central Auditorium / Audimax
Building identifier
HZ (Example: HZ 2)Short description
The "Central Auditorium (Hörsaalzentrum, HZ)" or "Audimax" is the joint Central Auditorium of the University and University of Applied Sciences.
Thomas-Fincke-Str. 18
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
Central Auditorium (Hz)
- Auditorium Maximum (Audimax)
- Central Auditorium 1 (HZ 1)
- Central Auditorium 2 (HZ 2)
- CampusCareer
- Dr. Werner Jackstädt Zentrum (JEC)
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Central University Library Flensburg (ZHB)
Building identifier
ZHB (Example: ZHB 024)Short description
The "Central University Library (ZHB)" is the joint library of the University and University of Applied Sciences.
Auf dem Campus 3
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
Central University Library
- ZHB - Joint library of both universities
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Building identifier
STUDYboxShort description
Group work rooms are located here. They can be reached via the elevator and the staircase in the south wing of the Central University Library (ZHB).
Auf dem Campus 3
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the STUDYbox you will find:
- Group work rooms
- Learning rooms
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 12:00 o'clock,
Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00 o'clock
Building identifier
-Short description
"Campelle" - The chapel on campus.
Thomas-Fincke-Str. 16
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
Chapel of the Protestant Student Community Flensburg (ESG) and the Catholic University Community Flensburg (KHG).
Campusbad (swimming pool)
Building identifier
-Short description
Campusbad Flensburg (swimming pool)
Thomas-Fincke-Straße 19
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
Campusbad (swimming pool)
Dublin Building
Building identifier
DUB (Example: DUB 016)Short description
The University Board and the central administrative departments of the University are based in the Dublin Building (DUB).
Campusallee 3
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the Dublin building you will find the following service offices and facilities of the university:
- University Board
- University administration
- Press/Communication
- Equal Opportunity Office
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Göteborg Building
Building identifier
GOT (Example: GOT 012)Short description
Göteborg houses student lounges, a children’s playroom, an open computer lab, a quiet room, and the BikeLab.
Auf dem Campus 1b
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
The Göteborg building has the following facilities:
- Student lounges
- Children’s playroom
- Open computer lab (room 001)
- Quiet room (room 008)
- Workroom for visually impaired students
- BikeLab
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Helsinki Building
Building identifier
HEL (Example: HEL 012)Short description
The Helsinki Building (HEL) is the former extension building of the University.
Auf dem Campus 1a
24943 Flensburg
You can reach the building via the Osttangente (B 199) and park directly at the building. Partly covered bicycle racks are available in large quantity.
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
Im Gebäude Helsinki finden Sie folgende Servicestellen und Einrichtungen der Hochschule:
- Infopoint
- Institution for Teaching Development, Learning Culture and Evaluation (EULE)
- International Centre (IC)
- Language Center
- SPA (Examination Office)
- Student guidance and counseling service (ZSB)
- Internship office
- Secretariat for student affairs
- Centre for Methodology (ZML)
- Centre for Information and Media Technologies (ZIMT)
- ZIMT-Service
- Café CampusSuite
- Seminar rooms and other institutes
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Luxembourg Building
Building identifier
LUX (Example: LUX 011.8)Short description
The Luxembourg Building (LUX) designates the part of the "GP JOULE Arena" used by the university and houses the university sports including the fitness center ("CampusFitness").
Campusallee 2
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the building Luxembourg in the "GP JOULE Arena" (former Campushalle) you will find the following facilities:
- University sport at the Europa-Universität Flensburg
- CampusFitness Fitness Centre
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Building "Madrid"
Building identifier
MAD (Example: MAD 017)Short description
The Madrid building (MAD) is located off-campus, near the train station and directly opposite the Flensburg Brewery.
Munketoft 3b
24937 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
The Madrid building is located off-campus, near the train station and directly opposite the Flensburg Brewery. It mainly houses the professorships, departments and projects associated with the International Institute of Management and Economic Education (IIM) and the master’s degree program for Energy and Environmental Management (EEM, formerly SESAM).
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Cafeteria (Mensa)
Building identifier
MensaShort description
The "Mensa" is shared by the Europa Universität and the University of Applied Sciences.
Kanzleistr. 94
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the cafeteria you will find the following facilities:
- Cafeteria (Mensa)
- Advice Centre of the Student Services (Studentenwerk)
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Oslo Building
Building identifier
HEL (Example: HEL 012)Short description
The Oslo Building (OSL) accommodates most of the institutes, the Post Room and the Central Switchboard.
Auf dem Campus 1
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the Oslo building you will find the following university service offices and facilities:
- Most of the institutes
- Students' Union (AStA)
- Building Management (Dept. I)
- Lecture and seminar rooms
- Post Room
- Central Switchboard
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Riga Building
Building identifier
RIG (Example: RIG 106)Short description
The following departments, projects and seminars are located in the Riga building:
RIG1: Mathematics
RIG2: Mathematics (elementary school), catholic theology and a part of evangelical theology
RIG3: ev. theology with the Wasatia Graduate School
RIG4: Media Studies, performing arts, Frisian, ZWW
RIG7: ZfL, internship office, Media Education
RIG8: ZfL media library
RIG9: Transformative Education Lab FALTER, Environmental Education Center
Mitscherlich-Nielsen Straße
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the Riga building complex you will find the following facilities of the university:
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Day care centre "Rotunde"
Building identifier
-Short description
In Rotunde there is a day care center for children. International events are also held here from time to time.
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
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Tallinn 1 building
Building identifier
TAL1 (Example: TAL1 012)Short description
Building Tallinn 1 (TAL1) is the most modern and sustainable building of the university.
Mitscherlich-Nielsen Straße 1a
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
Building Tallinn 1 (TAL1) is the most modern and sustainable building of the university.
Here you will find the offices of several institutes as well as a new modern Senate meeting room, which can be used for events as well.
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Tallinn 3 building
Building identifier
TAL 3 (Example: TAL 310)Short description
Here you will find mainly studio rooms of the art and textile departments.
Mitscherlich-Nielsen Straße 1b
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the Tallinn 3 building (TAL3) you will find the following facilities of the university:
- Seminar rooms
- Studio rooms
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Trondheim 1 building
Building identifier
TRO 1 (Example: TRO 104)Short description
Seminar rooms are located in the building Trondheim 1 (TRO1).
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the building Trondheim 1 (TRO1) you will find the following facilities of the university:
- Seminar rooms
Trondheim 2 building
Building identifier
TRO 2 (Example: TRO 204)Short description
Seminar rooms are located in the building Trondheim 2 (TRO2).
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the modular building Trondheim 2 (TRO2) you will find the following facilities of the university:
- Seminar rooms
Vilnius 1 building
Building identifier
VIL 1 (Example: VIL 108)Short description
In Building Vilnius 1 you will find the Department for Sustainable Energy Transition (NEW).
Mitscherlich-Nielsen Straße 4a
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the Vilnius 1 building (VIL1) you will find the following facilities of the university:
- Department for Sustainable Energy Transition (NEW)
- climate protection manager
Weitere Informationen:
Vilnius 2 building
Building identifier
VIL 2 (Example: VIL 208)Short description
In the Vilnius 2 building you will find the Department for Sustainable Energy Transition (NEW) and project rooms.
Mitscherlich-Nielsen Straße 4b
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the Vilnius 2 Building (VIL2) you will find the following university facilities:
- Department for Sustainable Energy Transition (NEW)
- Project rooms
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Students Dormitory "Am Campus"
Building identifier
-Short description
The dormitory "Am Campus" is located directly on the campus of the college and university.
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
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Private Students Dormitory
Building identifier
-Short description
Third party dormitory close to campus.
Dormitory "Emmy-Hennings-Haus"
Building identifier
-Short description
Finished in 2017, the Emmy Hennings House is located on the campus of the Europa Universität and the University of Applied Sciences.
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
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Dormitory "Sophie-Bothilde-Jensen Haus"
Building identifier
-Short description
The Sophie-Bothilde-Jensen Haus is located on the joint campus of the Europa-Universität Flensburg and Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and is expected to be completed in summer 2024.
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
More info
- Dorm information of the Studentenwerk
- New building projects of the Studentenwerk
- Visit building in panoramic tour
Dormitory "Sandberg"
Building identifier
-Short description
The dormitory "Sandberg" is located directly on the campus of the university and the university of applied sciences.
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
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Dormitory "Internationales Haus"
Building identifier
-Short description
The dormitory "Internationales Haus" is located directly on the campus of the university and the university of applied sciences.
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
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University of Applied Sciences - building A
Building identifier
A (Example: A213)Short description
Building A of the university contains the Department 3 - Information and Communication and a Green Screen, as well as HCI lab.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In Building A you will find the following departments, facilities and degree programs:
- Applied Computer Science
- Intermedia and Marketing
- Media Informatics
- Green Screen and Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
- Dean's Office Department 3 - Information and Communication
University of Applied Sciences - building B
Building identifier
B (Example: B126)Short description
Building B of the university contains a cafeteria (also called B-Mensa), as well as departments of chem. technology, physics and process engineering.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In building B you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- Cafeteria in the B-Building (B-Mensa)
- Brewery laboratory
- Water laboratory
- Chem. technology and physics
- Process Engineering
University of Applied Sciences - building C
Building identifier
C (Example: C213)Short description
Building C of the university contains the Department 4 - Economics.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In Building C you will find the following departments, facilities and degree programs:
- Business Administration
- Business Information Systems
- Dean's Office Department 4 - Economics
University of Applied Sciences - building D
Building identifier
D (Example: D213)Short description
Building D of the university contains various departments as well as house service and building services.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In Building D you will find the following departments, facilities and degree programs:
- House Service and Building Services
- Business Administration
- Electrical Engineering
- Energy Sciences
- International Specialized Communication
- Communication Technology
- Construction
- Mechanical engineering
- Business informatics
- Usability
University of Applied Sciences - building F
Building identifier
F (Example: F213)Short description
Building F of the university contains the Maritime Center.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In Building F you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- School of Maritime Studies, Mechanical and Systems Engineering
- Institute of Nautical and Maritime Technologies (INMT)
- Maritime Center
University of Applied Sciences - building H (main building)
Building identifier
H (Example: H213)Short description
Building H of the university contains, among other things, Info Point and the President's Office.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the main building H you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- Dean's Office Department 1 - Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering and Maritime Technologies
- Dean's Office Department 2 - Energy and Biotechnology
- Energy Systems Engineering and Central Workshop
- Equal Opportunity Office
- University Administration
- Info Point
- International Office
- Mechanical and Systems Engineering
- Presidium
- Examination Management
- Student advisory service
- Student secretariat
- Materials Engineering
University of Applied Sciences - Container 11
Building identifier
Container 11 (Example: Container 11-02)Short description
The university's container 11 contains the building management as well as the department of knowledge and technology transfer.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In Container 11 you will find the following departments, facilities and degree programs:
- Facility Management
- Knowledge and technology transfer
University of Applied Sciences - Container 12.1
Building identifier
Container 12.1 (Example: Container 12.1-11)Short description
The university's Container 12.1 contains the Software Lab, Creative Workshop and DesignLab.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In container 12.1 you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- Software Lab
- Creative Workshop
- DesignLab
University of Applied Sciences - Container 12.2
Building identifier
Container 12.2 (Example: Container 12.2-11)Short description
The college's Container 12.2 contains the International Relation linguistic lab and the Learning Café.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In Container 12.2 you will find the following departments, facilities and degree programs:
- International Relation
- Linguistic lab
- Learning Café
University of Applied Sciences - Container 12.3
Building identifier
Container 12.3 (Example: Container 12.3-11)Short description
The university's container 12.3 contains the Jackstädt Center Flensburg and International Relations.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In container 12.3 you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- Jackstädt Center Flensburg
- International Relations
University of Applied Sciences - HS Container 13
Building identifier
Container 13 (Example: Container 13-08)Short description
The university's Container 13 contains the FabLab Ideenreich and the Opportunity Space.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In container 13 you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- FabLab Ideenreich
- Opportunity Space
University of Applied Sciences - Container 14
Building identifier
Container 14 (Example: Container 11-10)Short description
Container 14 at the university contains the AStA office, the AStA paper store and student councils.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In container 14 you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- AStA Office
- AStA paper store
- Student council
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University of Applied Sciences - Container 15.1
Building identifier
Container 15.1 (Example: Container 15.1-11)Short description
The container 15.1 of the university contains the maritime school Flensburg.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In container 15.1 you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- Maritime School Flensburg
University of Applied Sciences - Container 15.2
Building identifier
Container 15.2 (Example: Container 15.2-11)Short description
The container 15.2 of the university contains the maritime school Flensburg.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In container 15.2 you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- Maritime School Flensburg
University of Applied Sciences - Container 15.3
Building identifier
Container 15.3 (Example: Container 15.3-11)Short description
The university's container 15.3 includes quality management and the structural and excelence budget.
Kanzleistraße 91-93
24943 Flensburg
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In container 15.3 you will find the following departments, facilities and study programs:
- Quality Management
- Structure and Excelence Budget
Organic garden
Building identifier
-Short description
The organic garden is located in the centre of the EUF campus and offers a broad teaching area, especially for biology students.
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
In the Garden of Diversity, opportunities will be created in future to enable the realisation of diverse and motivating teaching, learning and further education programmes offered by various participating institutes. The associated construction measures include
- Installation of a greenhouse (size approx. 60 square metres)
- Construction of raised beds (the poor soil makes it difficult to grow vegetables, for example)
- Installation of a rainwater cistern that stores part of the rainwater from the Oslo building and makes it usable for the grounds Installation of an intelligent irrigation system that allows plants in the greenhouse, on the flowering areas and in the raised beds to be watered with rainwater from the cistern as required and in a resource-saving manner
- Installation of a composting system (3-chamber system)
Climate garden
Building identifier
-Short description
The phenological climate garden is a project of the Physical Geography working group and was created in 2023 with the participation of geography students.
The location on the campus is marked on the map above.
Based on phenomena in nature (e.g. the blossoming of certain plants), it is possible to deduce the beginning or further course of the ten phenological seasons. The 20 most important phenological indicator plants that allow such observations are planted in the climate garden at the Europa-Universität Flensburg.