Central Committee for European and International Affairs

The Central Committee for European and International Affairs activities funds activities related to internationalization. The committee decides whether and to what extent the university can fund specific activities, and sets the criteria for awarding those funds.

How to reach us

To contact the head of the committee or submit a funding application to us, please email: europaausschuss-PleaseRemoveIncludingDashes-@uni-flensburg.de. Please submit your application at least 14 days before the next meeting; otherwise, we cannot consider it until the following meeting.

Please refer to our Funding Application Guidelines:

Please note that funding projects addressed to the Central Committee for European and International Affairs require co-financing in some categories. The International Center provides an overview of alternative funding opportunities for international projects.

Your contact person

Dr.Isabella Tegethoff

Advisor for European and International Affairs

+49 461 805 2970
Gebäude Dublin
DUB 212
Campusallee 3
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
Show details

Upcoming committee meetings

Election period

Group Period
Staff June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2025
Students June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025

Committee members

Group Name
Chair Prof. Dr. Ulrich Glassmann
University lecturers Prof. Dr. Margot Brink
  Prof. Dr. Holger Jahnke
  Prof. Dr. Uwe Pueter
  Prof. Dr. Michelle Witen
Academic staff Alice Detjen
  Karl Christoph Reinmuth
Non-academic staff Ulrike Bischoff-Parker
Students Suhenja Niranjan