As one of the central bodies of Europa-Universität Flensburg, the Senate is involved in all the university’s landmark decisions. Whether it is electing members of the Executive University Board, clarifying fundamental issues, or deciding on matters concerning research, teaching and studies on campus, the Senate is the cornerstone of academic governance at EUF.
The tasks and composition of the Senate are regulated by the Higher Education Act of Schleswig-Holstein (§21 HSG).
The 25 members of the Senate are elected from among university staff and students, who serve for either two years (staff) or one (students). Membership quotas for staff groups and students are legally defined: 13 faculty members, 4 academic staff members, 4 administrative and technical staff members, and 4 students. All elected Senate members are entitled to vote.
Responsibilities of the Senate
Among other things, the Senate enacts the university constitution. It also discusses research priorities and advises on creating, changing or canceling degree programs. Decisions regarding the structural and developmental plan of the university, staffing matters, and principles for allocating financial and material resources also fall within the scope of the Senate’s tasks and powers. Senate meetings are open to the public and usually take place once a month during the lecture period.
The Extended Senate
Since 2016, EUF has also had an Extended Senate consisting of 48 senators. Its tasks are also defined by the Higher Education Act (§20 HSG). These include commenting on the university's annual report and electing the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Officer.
The Senate is open to the public, which means that anyone affiliated with Europa-Universität Flensburg can participate in senate meetings. Personnel matters are handled by the Senate in the non-public part of a meeting. This setup is intended to minimize the waiting time of the attending public.
Regular meetings begin at 1:15 pm and are held in Tallinn building, room TAL 007. In case the infection situation requires it, the meetings can also be held at short notice as video conferences via Webex, this will be announced with the invitation.
The meeting agenda and Senate documents are sent to Senate members and posted on the intranet a week before each meeting.
Senate meeting, invitations, minutes and other documents
Geschäftsordnung des Senats der Europa-Universität Flensburg
Nach Beschluss vom 31. August 2018