Master of Engineering Energy and Environmental Management - Industrial Countries

Overview & Profile

General Information

Degree Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Duration 3 semesters
Type of program Full-time study
Program start Every spring and fall semester
Language(s) of instruction Normally English; some courses are offered in German.
Tuition fees None, but a semester fee is due every semester.

About this degree program:


The master's degree program 'Energy and Environmental Management - Industrial Countries' provides the necessary knowledge and skills to design the energy system required for the future. To cope with the biggest challenge of the 21st century, man-made climate change, we must convert 100% of the world's energy supply to renewable energy sources over the next few decades and to optimize the supply and use of energy.

The Department of Energy and Environmental Management (EUM) is being lead by Professor Pao-Yu Oei and Junior Professor Frauke Wiese. They have succeeded the previous director of the master program, Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer, who moved to a senior professorship in March 2021. The EUM Master program is comprized of a 30-member team of professors, post-docs, PhD students, and student assistants, who work together on various interdisciplinary research projects on the energy transition in Germany and globally.

Both the teaching and research work within the master program focuses on the transformation from fossil energy systems to 100% renewable energy systems in order to achieve the goal of having a maximum increase of the global average temperature of 1.5°C by the year 2050. In order to achieve this, energy system models are built, and measures are developed to allow for the implementation of renewable energy systems. Additionally, political economy studies help to identify barriers of the transformation and to develop appropriate local solutions. In doing so, we do not lose sight of the socially just and environmentally compatible perspectives in addition to the technical and economic perspectives. The possibilities of energy sufficiency and sustainability as well as the investigation of justice and gender aspects also play special role within the team’s research.

Two BMBF junior research groups, CoalExit and EnSu, are an important part of the department.

CoalExit strengthens the research on the implementation of 100% renewable energy systems through the research of the global coal phase-out. Additionally, since 2020, research has also been conducted on the global gas phase-out, also known as the end of the fossil fuel era. The team also works intensively with colleagues at the TU Berlin and DIW Berlin.

The junior research group EnSu investigates the role of energy sufficiency in the energy transition and society. This BMBF junior research group conducts its research on interdisciplinary cooperation between energy modeling in the engineering sciences, political science, and socio-ecological transformation research. The underlining goal is to make the effect of sufficiency measures measurable, and thus, presentable for energy system modeling. This is done in close cooperation with team members at the Norber Elias Center, the Öko-Institut, and the Wuppertal Institute.

Open Science, i.e. the public accessibility and provision of data, models and results, is the basis of all our research work. We develop open source energy system models and publish our results in open access journals whenever possible. Open science is an important prerequisite for being able to understand the quality of statements that are intended to inform policy and society. In addition, we also specifically try to bring our findings closer to people outside the research community through other formats in order to increase understanding and thus acceptance of the energy transition and the changes it entails.

Integration into the Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (ZNES)

The Department of Energy and Environmental Management is part of the Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (ZNES). The Center for Sustainable Energy Systems aims to research, develop, and implement energy systems and energy technologies that are permanently compatible with the environment and climate. The research and development work of the center ranges from the details of individual technologies to the development of consistent target scenarios for 100% renewable energy supply systems or the elaboration of strategies to ensure fully climate compatible local or regional development.

The center is jointly supported by various professors from both the Europa University and the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. It sees itself as an interdisciplinary research and development center that networks and bundles the special research and development experience of the participating professors and scientists in order to provide answers to the urgent questions of the necessary further development of our energy supply, especially against the background of man-made climate change.

The center is closely linked to the teaching of the Master's program in Energy and Environmental Management, as well as the Bachelor's program in Energy Sciences (HS), and current research content makes up a large part of the teaching content.


All information about the research can be found directly on the program’s website:

Go to Energy and Environmental Program Website


Program Structure & Content

Program structure & content

The Energy and Environmental Management (EUM) industrial engineering degree program was founded in 1997 as a diploma program at Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF, then known as Universität Flensburg). In 2006, through the Bologna Process, the diploma program was separated into a bachelor's program in Energy Science with a specialization in Energy and Environmental Management (coordinated by Flensburg University of Applied Sciences) and a master's program in Energy and Environmental Management (coordinated by EUF). Prof. Dr. Pao-Yu Oei coordinates the specialization for students who select the "industrialized countries" focus. 

More information about the Master Energy and Environmental Management with the specialization in developing countries can be found on the corresponding websites.

M.Eng. Program for Developing Countries

Program teaching is directly related to a variety of both research and practical projects. External lectures are often given by EUM alumni, who can thus pass on their knowledge and experience to current students. Students come from different world regions and bring different areas of expertise to the program, contributing to the diversification and internationality of course content.

The three-semester program consists of two semesters of courses and the third semester devoted to a master's thesis, which is usually written in cooperation with a company or research institution.

The required courses include one required course in engineering, one required course in engineering informatics and two required courses in economics. In addition, electives should include four courses from the engineering science elective area and three courses from the economics and law elective area. The basic course of study is shown in the following study plan.

1. Semester (30 CP) Sustainable Energy Systems Energiemanagement Engineering Informatics (e.g. Energieautomation, Power Grid Modelling) Engineering I (e.g. Green Engineering I, Wind Park Planning) Economics I (e.g. Energie-Suffizienz, Projektfinanzierung)
2. Semester (30 CP) Environmental Economics Engineering II (e.g. Green Engineering II, Energy Storage Technology) Engineering III (e.g. Advanced Power Plant Engineering) Engineering IV (e.g. Klimaschutz und Klimaschutzkonzepte) Economics II (e.g. Energierecht, Energy and Environmental Policy) Economics III (e.g. Sustainability and Energy Lectures, Green Entrepreneurship)
3. Semester (30 CP) Master 's thesis
Required courses
Elective courses

Below is a list of all courses offered (both required and elective) and the program semester when the course is normally given. Courses usually take place only once a year, either in the spring or fall semester.

Engineering (required courses) Semester
Energiemanagement Fall Semester
Economics (required courses)
Environmental Economics Spring Semester
Sustainable Energy Systems Spring Semester
Engineering Informatics (required elective courses)
Energieautomation Spring Semester
Introduction to Energy System Modeling and Optimization Spring Semester
Engineering (elective courses)
Advanced Power Plant Technology Fall Semester
Applied Environmental Science Spring Semester
Certification, load assumptions and simulations* Spring Semester
Energiespeichertechnik Fall Semester
Energiesuffizienz versorgungstechnischer Systeme Fall Semester
Entwicklung und Bewertung energietechnischer Systeme Fall Semester
Green Engineering I Spring Semester
Green Engineering II Fall Semester
Grid Integration* Fall Semester
Introduction to Wind turbine Aerodynamics* Spring Semester
Offshore Wind Energy – Operation and Taintenance* Fall Semester
Tower and rotor structures* Spring Semester
Economics and Law (elective courses)
Energy and Environmental Policy Spring Semester
Energy Research Lab / Colloquium Fall Semester & Spring Semester
Energierecht Fall Semester
Geographical Information in Sustainable Energy Systems Spring Semester
Green Entrepreneurship Fall Semester
Investment Analysis and Financing of Energy Projects Spring Semester
Klimaschutz und Klimaschutzkonzepte Fall Semester
Sufficiency Spring Semester
Sustainability and Energy Lectures Fall Semester
Windparkprojektierung Spring Semester

* These courses are part of the Master's Program in Wind Engineering at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences 

 Short-term changes in the schedule are possible. The language of each course title indicates in which language it will be held.

Program start date

Incoming students may begin their studies in the spring or fall semester.

Standard period of study

The standard period of study is three semesters. As a consecutive degree program, this it requires the completion of a seven-semester "Bachelor of Engineering" degree (or equivalent). The program builds directly on the bachelor's degree program "Energy Science with a focus on Energy and Environmental Management" at the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. Since the admission requirements also include at least one semester of successful study abroad, students in a six-semester bachelor's program can do their semester abroad before they start the master's program-

Language of instruction

Courses in the degree program 'Industrialized Countries' are mainly taught in English. Only individual elective modules are in German. This enables students without German language skills to complete the master's degree program in Energy and Environmental Management.

Imparted qualifications

  • Content: in-depth knowledge of sustainable energy supply and possibilities
  • Independent work
  • Problem analysis and solution
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Project development and planning
  • Communicative skills
  • Quick familiarization with new technical contexts
  • Practical experience

The program is ideally suited for students who are interested in interdisciplinary topics and want to develop concrete solutions for the most urgent issues of our time in the fields of energy, climate and environment. In addition to technical solutions, the course also teaches and examines how these solutions interact with socio-economic or political aspects. Good previous knowledge of mathematics as well as a good command of English facilitate a smooth entry into and progression through the program. The obligatory study abroad as part of the bachelor's or master's degree program ensures that students also learn international issues and skills. The master's program builds directly on the bachelor's program in Energy Sciences at the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. Foreign students can also be admitted to the master's program in Energy and Environmental Management with a focus on industrialized countries.

The most important admission requirements, as stated in the examination regulations for this degree program, can be summarized as follows:

  • A degree in Energy Sciences from the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences (210 ECTS), or
  • A degree from a six- or seven-semester comparable European bachelor's program in industrial engineering, or
  • A degree from a six- or seven-semester equivalent bachelor's program (e.g. engineering or sustainability sciences), subject to up to 30 ECTS credits in additional economic or technical bridge courses within the scope of the master's degree.


  • A completed semester abroad (this may be done during the course of your master's studies)
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Good knowledge of German 

For more detailed information about admission requirements, please see our application pagesexamination regulations (Prüfungsordnungen), and student admission bylaws (Studienqualifikationsordnung).

Language certificates can be submitted later, within the framework of a conditional admission.

If you have questions about the recognition of your completed bachelor's degree, the semester abroad, or the required language qualifications, please contact the Admissions Committee, Prof. Dr. Pao-Yu Oei.

Career prospects

Career prospects

Due to the particular changes within the energy markets and the central importance of curbing the anthropogenic greenhouse effect, there is a continuing increase in demand for industrial engineers with a special focus on problems of energy and environmental management. On the one hand, the climate change problem and its solutions present new tasks to all stakeholders, including companies, governments and society in gerneral. On the other hand, the liberalization and restructuring of the markets for grid-based energy sources is leading to completely new demands being placed on companies in the energy industry and the creationg of new opportunities for large companies in energy procurement.

Graduates of energy and environmental management programs work for:

  • Utility companies of all sizes in the areas of strategic planning, power plant and grid planning, dispatch, deployment of renewable energy sources, forecasting of intermittent energy sources, load forecasting, power trading, risk management, energy services and contracting, emission allowance trading, environmental management, environmental policies
  • Manufacturers of energy technologies in the fields of strategic planning, development and marketing of new products, project management, technical-economic market analyses, environmental management
  • Service companies and engineering offices in the energy and environmental sector in the areas of project development, contracting, electricity trading, emission certificate trading, environmental management
  • Large companies in the manufacturing sector in the areas of energy management, electricity trading and purchase of energy sources, risk management in the energy sector, emission certificate trading, environmental management, environmental policy
  • Energy and environmental systems research institutions in the areas of development of sustainable energy systems, use of renewable energy sources, possibilities for increasing efficiency in energy supply and demand, possibilities of carbon capture and storage, development of new energy systems based on hydrogen
  • Authorities and ministries in the areas of regulation of liberalized energy markets, development of new more efficient energy and environmental policy measures, monitoring of the implementation of energy and environmental policy measures
  • Associations of the energy and environmental sector especially in the development and enforcement of energy and environmental strategies and policies.

Experience to date shows that our graduates have very good career prospects. As a rule, the first employment contract is already signed before the last exam.

Advice & Contact Information

Advice & Contact Information

While informing yourself about a study program or location, many questions may arise. For this reason, all important contacts that can provide the right answers in such a case are listed below.

General Advice on studying at EUF:

For information on all our study programs, for help how to choose your degree program, for counseling in difficult situations while studying at EUF or for general questions about your studies at EUF, please contact:

Student Guidance and Counselling Service


+49 461 805 2530
MAD 118a
Munketoft 3
Post code / City
24937 Flensburg
Show details

Academic Advisor:

Please contact Tim Weishaupt if you have subject-specific questions about the degree program.

+49 461 805 3062
Gebäude Vilnius 2
VIL 203
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 4b
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
Show details

EUM Advising Hour: Students Helping Students

Now and then, we students face challenges that can affect our ability to successfully complete the master's degree. Finding solutions isn't always easy, especially since the pandemic and online classes mean that not all students have direct contact with other students. The online advising service by students for students allows you to talk to a student program representative about your questions, problems or grievances. The aim is to facilitate (or even anonymize, if necessary) communication between students and the program management or teaching staff. Just send us an email to register:

Go to Webex meeting

Welcome New Students!

Students interested in the EUM master's degree program at EUF are welcome to join us in an online advising session. Here you can discuss any questions you may have about the program or application process. Please contact us via email:

Program institute:

Learn more about the program on website of the Department of Energy and Environmental Management at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Environmental, Social and Human Sciences.

Program Institute

The Student Council

The Student Council

The student council of the Master's program in Energy and Environmental Management is elected as part of the university committee elections.

The student council can be reached by e-mail at erreichbar.

Your student representatives:

Application & Admission

Application & Admission

Thinking about applying? Click below to view the eligibility requirements for this program and find out more about application and admission:

Application & Admission

Go to the online application portal