Im Oktober 2010 barst in der ungarischen Kleinstadt Ajka ein Damm im Deponiebecken einer Aluminiumfabrik.
Im Oktober 2010 barst in der ungarischen Kleinstadt Ajka ein Damm im Deponiebecken einer Aluminiumfabrik.

Master of Arts Transformation Studies

Overview & Profile

General Information

Degree Master of Arts (M.A.)
Duration 4 Semesters
Type of program Full-time study
Program start Every fall semester
Language(s) of instruction German
Tuition fees None, but a semester fee is due every semester

About this degree program:

Program profile

The master's program Transformation Studies discusses the causes and consequences of socio-ecological challenges such as anthropogenic climate change, loss of biodiversity as well as resource depletion and environmental pollution. The study program is characterized by its focus on the current environmental and sustainability crisis from a constitutive socio-ecological perspective. The crises are thus approached as threats which have a social dimension both in their causation and in their effects. Within the scope of the program, opportunities and limits for the shaping of social transformations are reflected and analyzed under the overarching theme of sustainability.

In a historical, contemporary and future-oriented perspective, the Master’s Program examines the processes of social change, and what accelerates or inhibits them. Particular attention will be given to the different actor networks and the relationship between power, production and reproduction as well as to theories and practices of societal nature. The program provides both scientific theories and theoretical insights as well as spaces for creative thinking and action.

The aim is to give students the opportunity to understand the nature of social-ecological challenges and the processes of social change as well as to relate them to one another. After completing their studies, students will have practice-oriented knowledge on social transformation processes geared towards sustainability.


Program Structure & Content


The degree program follows a three-step approach focused on the analysis of past, present, and future. In parallel, students gain in-depth methodological training in qualitative and quantitative empirical social research methods, as well as transdisciplinary and participatory approaches.

As a trans- and interdisciplinary program focused on the social sciences, Transformation Studies requires students to systematically and continuously reflect on the possibilities, challenges, and limitations of inter- and transdisciplinary research and practice. This is accomplished in the "Transformation Research" colloquium, which runs through all four semesters.

Recommended semester plan

Examination and Study Regulations for the Master of Arts program in Transformation Studies (2017)

1. Semester GD:  Contemporary Analysis: Socio-Ecological Transformations and their Problematization (20 CP) KT: Research Training: Cultural Transformation — Food, Housing, Mobility (15 CP)
2. Semester HR: Historical Reconstruction: Theory and Practices of Social Change (20 CP) M: Quantitative and Transdisciplinary Methods (5 CP)
3. Semester VZ:  Variations of the Future (20 CP) TD: Transformation Design (5 CP)
PRA: Internship (5 CP)
4. Semester TH: Master's Thesis / Master's Colloquium (30 CP)

Important documents related to your studies at EUF

Every degree program has formal rules and regulations that define the study conditions for that program. You can use these regulations, together with the module catalogues for your chosen degree program, to plan out a semester schedule. This way, you’ll know ahead of time what courses you’ll be taking on which semesters. The examination regulations set forth the legal framework conditions for this. Click below to see the most important formal regulatory documents related to your studies at EUF.

Documents related to studying at EUF

Career Prospects

Career Prospects

 The aim of the course is to train qualified specialists for science, politics (counseling), business and society. After completion of the study program, job opportunities are provided both in the practical field as well as in science and research. The students qualify for jobs in research institutes as well as for demanding positions in public administrations, companies and institutions where processes of change in the context of sustainability are increasingly required. Some examples of work placements outside of universities are:

  • International and non-governmental organizations
  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainability departments in companies
  • Environmental departments in the public sector
  • Common good oriented companies
  • Institutions and organizations that provide media, press and public relations on environmental and sustainability issues

The master's degree also allows you to pursue a doctorate.

Learn more about doctoral study at EUF

Advice & Contact Information

General Advice on studying at EUF:

For information on all our study programs, for help how to choose your degree program, for counseling in difficult situations while studying at EUF or for general questions about your studies at EUF, please contact:

Student Guidance and Counseling Service

Contact Information

Please direct your questions to

Degree program coordinator:

+49 461 805 2637
Gebäude Tallinn 1
TAL 307
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 1a
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
Show details

Program institute:

Visit the website of the Norbert Elias Center (NEC)

Zum Institut

Application & Admission

Application & Admission

Thinking about applying? Click below to view the eligibility requirements for this program and find out more about application and admission:

Application & Admission