Course Recognition (Transfer Credits)
Recognition of Completed Coursework
Obtaining Transfer Credits for Completed Coursework (Course Recognition)
You can apply to receive EUF transfer credits for coursework you took before starting your current degree program, or for coursework you took abroad, through a process called "Anerkennung" (Recognition). For this you need to fill out a special form: either the "Anerkennung von Studien- und Vorstudienleistungen" (Form for Recognizing Prior Coursework) or - for external coursework - the "Antrag auf Anerkennung von erbrachten Studienleistungen" (Application for Recognition of Coursework Completed at a German Institute of Higher Education).
Take the completed form and all relevant evidence (certificates, course diplomas and/or transcripts) to the designated institute representative, who can then officially recognize the coursework. Once that person has signed and stamped your form, please submit it and all relevant documentation to the Service Center for Examination Matters (SPA), addressed to Karin Schulz-Sommer (Helsinki Building, mailbox number 39).
For students in the bachelor’s degree programs in International Management and European Cultures and Society and the master’s degree programs in European Studies, and International Management Studies (IMS):
To request recognition of completed academic coursework, please present the relevant evidence (certificates and/or transcripts) together with the Form for Recognition of Prior Academic Achievements to the university staff member responsible for the relevant module. You can then submit the signed and stamped form together with copies of all relevant evidence to the SPA IIM.
If you need to request recognition of coursework completed abroad, please use the "Anerkennungsantrag" (Form for Recognition of Coursework Recognition).
Appealing an Examination Grade
Appealing an Examination Grade
If you object to the grade you received for a particular exam, you can file a written appeal with the Examination Committee. But you are required to do so without undue delay– no later than one month after the examination grades are published. To file the appeal, send a letter to the Central Examinations Office in which you clearly outline the reasons for your appeal.
Notification of Illness / Withdrawing from an Exam
What to Do if You Are Ill on the Day of an Exam / Emergency Withdrawal from an Exam
On the same day that you report being ill, you are required to have a doctor fill out a formal document ("Bescheinigung der Prüfungsunfähigkeit;"see download below) certifying your unfitness to take an examination. This document must be sent by you to the Service Center for Examination Matters (SPA) that same day. As a temporary solution, you are allowed to send this certificate in to the SPA by fax or email. But you will need to send in the original paper copy of the certificate within three days.
For university purposes, your illness officially starts on the date that appears on your doctor's certificate. The university will not recognize any illness prior to that date.
What happens if you fail to comply with these procedures:
If you fail to promptly inform the Examination Office (SPA) of your illness in such cases, the exam will show up in the system as Insufficient (grade 5.0) with the explanation "student was not present." In this case, you will not be able to repeat the exam in the future.
Compensation for Disadvantages
Recognition of Special Needs / Compensation for Disadvantages
According to Section 3, subsection 5 of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Education Act (HSG), the special needs of students must be taken into account. Regulations governing the recognition of special needs ("Nachteilsausgleich") can be found in the examination and study regulations of each degree program at Europa-Universität Flensburg. These regulations refer to:
- Disabilities or long-term illnesses
- Maternity protection periods and the legal regulations on parental leave
- Obligations to care for children under the age of 14 in one's own household
- Obligations to care for close relatives with legally recognized nursing needs
For information and advising in connection special needs recognition, please visit our
Exam Registration and Withdrawal
Registering and Withdrawing from Exams
As student at EUF, you are required to register for both examinations and courses within the official registration period using the form provided for this purpose by the Service Center for Examination Matters (SPA). Normally, students register for courses and examinations at the same time.
Registration: For module or sub-module examinations, you need to register in the Studiport online portal at least two weeks before the designated examination date.
If you have any problems registering for an exam, please contact the Examination Office (SPA) in a timely manner. The staff there will be happy to assist you.
It is not possible to register for an examination after the examination deadline has passed. In that case, you can postpone taking the exam until the next available exam date.
Withdrawing your registration for an exam: If you decide not to take an exam for which you have already registered, you must cancel your registration for that exam in Studiport at least two weeks before its scheduled date.
Examination Committees
Examination Committees, Decisions, and Dates
Examination Committee B.A. Bildungswissenschaften
The Examination Committee for the B.A. program in Educational Sciences also serves as the Examination Committee for all teacher education degree programs, except the master’s program in Vocational Education).
Examination Committee B.A. European Cultures and Society
Examination Committee B.A. International Management
Examination Committee B.A. Transkulturelle Europastudien: Sprachen, Kulturen, Interaktionen (TES)
Examination Committee M.A. Erziehungswissenschaft: Bildung in Europa - Education in Europe
Examination Committee M.A. International Management Studies
Examination Committee M.A. European Studies
Examination Committee M.A. Kultur-Sprache-Medien
Examination Committee M.A. Transformationsstudien
Examination Committee M.Ed. Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen (gewerblich-technische Wissenschaften)
Examination Committee M.Eng. Energie- und Umweltmanagement / Energy and Environmental Management
Regulations Governing Academics and Exams
Important Documents and Regulations Related to Your Studies
Examination Schedules
Exam Schedules
Your Transcript of Records
You can print out your transcript of records yourself via the Studiport Portal
Fourth Examination Attempt (Joker)
The Fourth Examination Attempt (Joker)
Section 12 of the GPO stipulates the number of times a student in the Educational Science program can take examinations. Generally speaking, students are allowed to repeat an examination twice (in other words, you can take an exam a total of three times) You can petition to have this rule expanded as follows: In two modules of your choice, you may request to take an exam an additional (fourth) time if you did not pass it on your third attempt. To request this so-called "joker" attempt, you need to submit a petition to the Examination Committee for Educational Science. Below you will find the petition form.
Repeat Examinations (Term Papers)
Applying for Permission to Repeat a Written Examination (Term Paper Exam)
Because the registration period for repeat examinations in Studiport sometimes expires before grades for term papers are released, it is possible to register to resubmit a term paper ("deadline 2") via the form below (in German only). You must complete the registration fourteen days before the date of the examination or the submission deadline for the term paper. If the failing grade on a term paper took place one or more semesters ago, you can register via the normal channel in Studiport before the first deadline.