
The state of Schleswig-Holstein is aiming to become climate-neutral by 2040 and wants to reduce CO2 emissions by 57% by 2030 compared to 1990. In February, the state government published an initial draft on CO2 savings by 2030, which proposes cross-sectoral measures. Our study examines the feasibility of these targets and produces a comprehensive projection report. This involves examining whether the planned measures are sufficient for each sector and identifying potential gaps. We also develop core indicators to regularly review target achievement and develop additional measures if there is a risk of missing the target. The aim is to support the ministry and Schleswig-Holstein's climate neutrality targets with well-founded analyses and flexible strategies.

Key facts

Klimaneutralität, Schleswig-Holstein, Sektorziele, Projektionsbericht
05/01/2024 - 10/31/2024


The state of Schleswig-Holstein has set ambitious targets in the fight against climate change and is aiming to become climate-neutral by 2040. This requires a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions, in particular a reduction of 57% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The need to achieve these targets is not only due to the responsibility towards future generations, but also to ensure an affordable energy transition for all through early action and to continue to position Schleswig-Holstein as an energy transition pioneer.
In February, the state government published an initial draft outlining medium-term CO2 savings by 2030. However, the proposed measures vary considerably between the different sectors. In some sectors, concrete estimates of the respective savings potential are available, in others the measures are less clearly formulated. Our planned study aims to create a comprehensive projection report for the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The aim is to analyse for each sector the extent to which the sector targets for 2030 can be achieved with the planned measures. This enables the identification of potential gaps in the individual sectors and provides a basis for the further monitoring of Schleswig-Holstein's climate protection programme.
Based on available data from the national projection report and knowledge of the situation in Schleswig-Holstein, we will prepare a state projection report that assesses the possibility of achieving the targets for each sector. In addition, we will develop core indicators that can be analysed regularly in the coming years in order to identify any potential failure to meet targets at an early stage. This will enable flexible adaptation of strategies and measures depending on current developments.
In the event that targets are missed, we will develop approaches for further sectoral measures in order to identify options for timely countermeasures. This includes different types of policy instruments that set the framework for technical and social innovations to enable the climate neutrality targets. This study will make a significant contribution to evaluating the feasibility of the climate policy targets in Schleswig-Holstein as a basis for proactive management of measures to achieve the targets set by 2030.


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Prof. Dr.Pao-Yu Oei

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