VISION - Voices and Imaginaries to Secure the Inclusion Of local Narratives

The VISION project focuses on developing local visions for a just transition in Mpumalanga, South Africa, a region heavily reliant on coal mining. The project seeks to translate the abstract concept of a just transition into concrete strategies, particularly within the Global South. By organizing workshops, policy briefs, and town hall meetings, the project actively involves local communities, decision-makers, and industry stakeholders. The goal is to integrate these local perspectives into broader national and international discussions, building on insights from European coal phase-outs to advance context-specific solutions for sustainable transitions in coal-dependent regions.

Key facts

Visions, coal phase-out, South Africa, just transition, decarbonisation, transformation
09/01/2024 - 02/28/2026
University institution
Department for Sustainable Energy Transition


The VISION project is being carried out in collaboration with the FossilExit research group and the South African NGO groundWORK to explore visions of a just transition in Mpumalanga, South Africa. The project is funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU).

Compliance with the Paris Agreement requires a rapid phase-out of coal. In this context, the concept of "Just Transition" is being used. Originally, this concept addressed the impact of decarbonization on jobs. Since then, it has evolved to encompass a broad range of issues, from severance pay for laid-off workers to global climate justice questions. However, the concept remains abstract, and there is a lack of systematic representation of what a just transition could look like concretely in coal regions of different countries, particularly in the Global South. It is crucial to explore the local impacts and visions of a just transition to realize its transformative potential. Mpumalanga, where over 80% of South Africa's coal mining takes place, is a region heavily affected by the social and environmental impacts of coal mining.

The main goal of the project is to connect the scientific and political debate on a just transition with local perspectives and to integrate these into national and international discussions. By involving the communities in Mpumalanga, we aim to develop sustainable visions for a just transition.

As part of the project, we are organizing workshops directly in the affected communities in Mpumalanga. These workshops are designed to actively involve local stakeholders and work together with them to develop visions for a just transition. The communication of these visions takes place through policy briefs and dialogues in town hall meetings, bringing together local and national decision-makers, NGOs, the coal industry, and the affected communities.

Our experienced research team, which has already conducted numerous projects in South Africa and other countries in the Global South, is committed to strengthening coal phase-out research in the Global South. We are building on our previous insights from European coal phase-out processes and participatory projects to further develop methods and solutions that take the local context into account.


Prof. Dr.Pao-Yu Oei

Gebäude Madrid
MAD 118a
Munketoft 3b
Post code / City
24937 Flensburg
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Project members

+49 461 805 3009
Gebäude Vilnius 1
VIL 113
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 4a
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
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